
Showing posts from March, 2025

What Did You Come to the Desert to See?

  Click on image to hear sample of the Karly Audiobook  Click image for Karly Break out your Bible or BOM and lend an ear to songs that inspired our little girl from the Wasatch 

What Some People Burn in Their Crazy Minds

 by Kriss Odom  In the early morning hours of June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburb of Rowlett, Texas, 26-year-old Darlie Routier frantically called 911, claiming that an intruder had broken into her home and attacked her family. When police arrived, they found a gruesome scene. Darlie’s two young sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, had been stabbed repeatedly while they slept in the living room. Darlie herself had slash wounds to her neck and deep cuts on her arms. She insisted a masked man had broken in, stabbed her and the boys, and fled through the garage. But almost immediately, investigators noticed inconsistencies. There was no evidence of forced entry, no footprints from a supposed intruder, and no blood trail leaving the house. A bread knife from Darlie’s own kitchen was found with fibers from the torn window screen, suggesting the crime scene had been staged.   Just eight days after the murders, during what was supposed to be a solemn graveside memorial for...

Hell is not Hot Enough

from: Kriss Odom 🚨*Graphic Content Warning  Wesley Davis has been charged with murder in the First Degree. No mother should have to hold her child as she is hooked up to machines that are tracking her last breaths. Ava Anne Marie Tabor was taken from this world. She didn’t lose her life, her life was taken from her, in the most vicious and cruel way.  Wesley Davis was watching Ava when she “wasn’t listening” as he stated, and he began to attack her. Yes you read that correctly. He lifted her frail 2 year old body up and threw her around the room for 30 minutes straight. Slamming her against walls, furniture, and anything else in sight. For 30 minutes she was brutally attacked by this animal. For 30 minutes she lived in pure pain and agony at the hands of this subhuman monster.  Ava’s body was covered in bruises, head to toe, her brain received so much trauma it bled on itself to a point that mimicked a massive stroke. Her brain died due to the amount of bleeding the trau...

The Democrat Party Has Lost It’s Mind!

           Click for Press Secretary Comments if Trump’s Speech The Democrat Party is a thing of the past. This monstrosity, parading itself as a progressive leader of the people exposed itself Tuesday night as a group of people you would not want to leave your granddaughter with while you ran to the store.   It started with Al Green . Standing up there, screaming like a fool as The President of the United States began his delivery until he was removed like a drunken sailor in a Harker Heights Texas bar. Then all the little signs erupting through the Democrat whorehouse assembled. All amateur printing, voicing the various objections of anything normal. Of course, as has become normal of late, the absolute refusal to stand and applaud anything the President had to say. I guess we should be grateful the National Anthem wasn’t played, else we’d have to put up with these bozos all taking a knee. I don’t think I could ever unsee Nancy Pelosi on her knees wh...

The Boy at the Alamo

      The earliest photo of the Alamo   Enrique Esparza, son of Alamo Defender, Gregorio Esparza, was interviewed by a journalist from the  San Antonio Express at the age of 74 on Saturday, Nov. 22, 1902.   The Story Of  Don Enrique Esparza This photo of Enrique Esparaza is courtesy the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at UT-Austin.  Doesn't he have a great face? The Briscoe Center is a fantastically interesting repository to visit . Don Enrique Esparza, the last surviving witness of the Battle of the Alamo, late in his life. In November, 1902, the San Antonio Light Newspaper published the following article about Enrique Esparza and it is fantastic. Here is the text: "Since the death of Senora Candelaria Villanueva, several years ago at the age of 112 there is but one person alive who claims to have been in the siege of the Alamo. That person is Enrique Esparza, now 74 years old, who, firm-stepped, clear-minded and clear-eyed, bids fair t...