Don’t Sink the Boat


Galatians 6:9

And let us NOT grow WEARY of doing GOOD, for in “Due Season” WE (who BELIEVE in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOW the King of Glory, Jesus) WILL reap (in God’s BLESSINGS and FAVOR), if we do NOT Give-Up.

Let this sink in for a moment.  Can you just imagine if Noah made the decision to give up on FINISHING the Ark after building on it for decades?  What if Lot decided not to listen to the Angels and flee the city before God rained down fire and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah?  How many thousands of Hebrews would have been slaughtered by Pharaoh’s army if Moses wouldn’t have slammed that rod into the banks of the Red Sea and God parted it…allowing millions to cross over on a DRY sea bed?  How bout if a young David didn’t follow his confidence in God and pick up that stone and sling it into the forehead of the Philistine’s champion, Goliath?  And last…but certainly NOT the LEAST…what if our Lord and Savior, Jesus decided NOT to die a horrible death on that Cross…shedding His precious BLOOD for the sins of this corrupt World?

You have been GIVEN a personal PLAN Created especially for YOU by our Heavenly Father.  Don’t Give-Up…because the Finish-Line to YOUR Victory is hard to reach.  God and His host of Warring Angels are blazing the path in front of you…as King Jesus walks beside you…crossing the FINISH LINE of your BLESSING together.

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!

Never Give-Up on God…because He’ll NEVER Give-Up on YOU!!!



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