FIRST the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33

But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS,  and ALL these things WILL be added to you.

How many times have you actually just given up on an idea that you were working on…trying your best to “figure-out” a way to make it work?  In your mind it seemed like an easy thing to resolve as your began to try and fit all the pieces of the puzzle together.  But…as hard as you tried…there always seemed to be that ONE piece to that 1,000 piece-puzzle…MISSING.

If you think about it…haven’t we always come up a bit short in Life when we tried to tackle our PROBLEMS, BATTLES, WORRIES, HEARTACHES, DOUBTS, CONFIDENCE in ourselves…ALONE?  We were always reaching for that ring at the Merry-Go-Round…but it was always just out of our reach.  And then something miraculous manifested before us as we stepped away from our prideful attitude…and brought our Mighty God into our thoughts.  We asked our Heavenly Father to make the IMPOSSIBLE…POSSIBLE.

We couldn’t imagine HOW He was going to make our dream turn into a REALITY…He just asked us NOT to lean unto our OWN understanding when it came to His Awe and Wonder.  Just prepare yourself to be AMAZED.

Proverbs 3:5-6

TRUST in the Lord with ALL your Heart, and do NOT lean on your OWN understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He WILL make straight your paths (in Life).

Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!!

Oh, LOOK…I found a piece of the puzzle.



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