For My Democrat Donkeys Out There

So if you had the opportunity of a Life-Time to have only ONE wish come true…what would it be? For some of my Republican friends (and some of them are jumping ship like it’s about to be boarded by the Pirates of the Swamp)…they want 4 more years of riding the T-Train BACK to secure borders (for crying out loud), energy independence, a strong military…yeah, yeah, yeah…and Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Oh, and if CNN would at least say just ONE single GOOD thing about their Candidate, his family, their friends…and those red-blooded Patriots that voted for him…and let’s not forget about God…well, that would be a plus.

Now, for my Democrat Donkeys out there…this is an easy one…EVERYTHING opposite of what a Republican Elephant would BELIEVE. Am I wrong? Wait a minute here…I almost forgot…as their Donkey-Hold GRIPS their Cities…and Crime is surging in the streets…because the criminals are pampered…while victims are victimized…every single one of those “NAY” Sayers (see what I did there) are SCREAMING…get em!!! Find ANYTHING!!! Persecute…I mean…Prosecute Him!!! DESTROY this man…and ANYONE that may have supported him. Yup…that about sums it all up for a Donkey.

But what would YOU wish for? And please don’t say World Peace…or, anything Uncle Al would say after he stepped off his Airstream Carbon Blaster.

There’s only One Prince of Peace…and He’s NOT of this World. As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the Victorious King of Glory, Jesus…our WISH should be…Come QUICKLY…Lord Jesus!!!

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!

You ain’t gonna be able to figure out squat when it comes to Politics and their constant squabbling over POWER…so…my Brothers and Sisters…Let Go…and Let God…He’s just about had enough of these shenanigans.


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