The End DOES Justify God’s Means

1 Corinthians 10:31

So, whether you EAT or DRINK, or WHATEVER you do, do ALL to the Glory of God.

For most BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…whenever a BLESSING falls unto the threshold of our homes…we find it very easy to give a QUICK “Shout-Out” to our Heavenly Father saying simply, “Thanks God…”…and then immediately find ourselves focused on our daily routines of shuffling through our day…trying our best to make the “Ends…Meet”.

What we’ve focus on in Life…are the many challenges we face as we battle the invisible foes that are constantly slithering out from the darkness.  A relentless campaign that has been drafted from diabolical spirits who have a lust to KILL, STEAL…and DESTROY those who’ve chosen to FOLLOW the King of Glory, Jesus…and call the God of Heaven…the One TRUE God of ALL!!!

We MUST give Glory through our most difficult days as well…because within a moment…God will overwhelm you with BLESSINGS and FAVOR and say, “I’ve GOT you.”  What the Devil intended for bad…God will make it GOOD…ALL for His Glory!!!

Have a BLESSED Tuesday Y’all!!!



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