The Light Shines in the Darkness

 1 John 1:7

But if WE (as BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus) walk in the LIGHT, as He is in the LIGHT, we have FELLOWSHIP with one another, and the (precious) Blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from ALL sin.

In 2016…scientists from the University of Northwest discovered an incredible thing.
This is an excerpt from an article published from (look it up)

For the first time ever, scientists have captured images of the flash of light that sparks at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg.

The picture below right is the actual evidence that LIGHT occurs at the moment of conception. How AWESOME is our God to VALIDATE to those who REFUSE to BELIEVE that Life begins at CONCEPTION and continue to refute that something WONDROUS and MIRACULOUS has manifested before the eyes of unbiased Scientists. Who was it who said that, “Facts are a stubborn thing?”

Does it surprise you that the media didn’t make this a front page story to SHARE all across this dark World in 2016? And are you SHOCKED that this incredible news wasn’t broadcasted throughout the AIRWAVES from one corner of the Globe to the other? Remind me again…”Who is the Prince of the Air?” Let’s just say that his POWER that he has over the ungodly has BLINDED those that are spewing the lies of of their sinister Master, Satan…who is only interested in KILLING, STEALING…and CAPTURING Souls…before the LIGHT of Jesus can SAVE them…and have them SEE into the realm of God’s TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE…and LIFE Eternal through the acceptance of Jesus as one’s 

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!


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