But Not Today


Matthew 11:28-30

Come to Me (the King of Kings, Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this World, Jesus), ALL who LABOR and are heavy LADEN, and I WILL give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and LEARN from Me, for I am GENTLE and LOWLY in Heart, and you WILL find REST for your Souls.  For My YOKE is EASY, and My BURDEN is LIGHT.”

It doesn’t matter if you are a Prayer Warrior, a Preacher, Evangelist, a Missionary, a Godly Marriage Counselor, a Doctor of FAITH, a Bible scholar, a Prophet of God, a King, a few Politicians, a substandard writer for God on Facebook…we’ve ALL found ourselves weighted down in physical and Spiritual matters that have caused us to become WORRIED, FEARFUL, HOPELESS, DOUBTFUL…and UNCERTAIN of our EFFECTIVENESS we have for the Kingdom of God.

This is the point where a lot of the FAITHFUL have wanted to simply give-up.  They say to themselves, “Am I really doing anything worthwhile for promoting the “Good News” of my King of Glory, Jesus?”

Jesus hears those remarks and immediately responds in Spirit and Truth.  The Holy Spirit within you QUICKENS a spark of God’s boundless LOVE that He has for you.  Shaking you AWAKE Spiritually.  Reminding YOU of the Sacrifice He made for YOU…and ANYONE else who’ve chosen to BELIEVE and FOLLOW Him to Glory.

 1 Peter 5:6-7

HUMBLE yourselves, therefore, under the Mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He (truly) cares for you.

We’ve certainly ALL been there.  But NOT today!!!  Cast ALL your burdens upon our Lord…He will take them from you and chunk them as far as the East is to the West.

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!  It’s gonna be a GREAT day.



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