Never Give Up on God


1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my BELOVED Brothers (and Sisters), be STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your LABOR is NOT in vain.

I wanted to ENCOURAGE you this morning about what our Heavenly Father is preparing especially for YOU.  Every single person that has ever lived…and every single Soul that is ALIVE right at this very moment…have ALL been given a unique plan for their Life…drawn out in detail to perfection by the hand of our Most Mighty God Himself…even before our own birth.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, PLANS for WELFARE and NOT for EVIL, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE.

So why have there been so many millions of people who have failed miserably in Life…turning their backs on the Creator of EVERYTHING?  Because they chose to follow the plans of the Devil’s campaign to exist within this dark World of lust, greed, godless lifestyles, corruption…and debauchery…rather than choosing the perfect plans that God had prepared for them.

Don’t give up on God…continue to work diligently…and with consistency toward the prize that awaits you when that perfect plan that God has Created for you…comes to it’s fruition.  It will be a day of celebration…as your LABOR, PRAYERS, FAITH, DEDICATION…becomes a BLESSING and REWARD of your LOYALTY to our Mighty God…and our steadfast commitment to FOLLOW our Lord and Savior, King Jesus…throughout the four corners of this World…sharing the “Good News” of Salvation to a lost and desperate people.

Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!!

Don’t Give-Up on God…because He’ll NEVER Give-Up on YOU!!!



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