Not Right Take Flight


Romans 12:2

Do not be CONFORMED (comfortable) to this World, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWAL of your mind (through the Holy Spirit), that by TESTING you may discern what is the Will of God, what is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE and PERFECT.

If WE are going to be honest with ourselves…how many times have you actually started to try something you felt was actually an acceptable thing to do?  But yet…the more you “thought” about it…you began to “feel” that it wasn’t really something that God would FULLY approve of.  I’ll have to raise my hand up in the crowd on this one.

So many times we try and justify eating that 6th piece of pizza, listening to gossip about someone and NOT walk away from the conversation, praying for stuff that doesn’t really add value to one’s life, ignoring someone that’s in need…and the endless LIST marches on.  Why do we find ourselves stuck in this “revolving door” of selfishness at times?  You guessed it…we are more focused on the things of this dark World…rather than on the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s TRUTH, POWER, HOPE…and LOVE of His Glorious Kingdom of Heaven.  Where…I might add…the King of this Glorious Kingdom sits beside our Heavenly Father and say, “Let’s not EVER give up on them…let’s keep whispering to them that we will ALWAYS love them…in spite of eating that entire pizza.” (Too much?)

Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!!

And remember Saints…If it don’t feel right…it ain’t from God.



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