Proclaiming the Kingdom of God


Acts 28:31

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and TEACHING about the Lord Jesus Christ with all BOLDNESS and WITHOUT hindrance.

As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…do you realize how much POWER you have dwelling within you?  Whenever you walk into a crowded place…you may feel as if no one within that place has noticed your presence.  That indeed may be true if you are referring to those gathered together and having their casual conversations with each other…and are TOTALLY focused on who can OUTDO each other by bragging about how brilliant they are at EVERYTHING they do.  

Yeah…they’d probably never even notice you at all.  But there are eyes that immediately recognize…not who you are…rather…Who’s you are…the Most High God of Heaven.  The Marvelous LIGHT of the Holy Spirit engulfs the room the very moment you crossover the threshold…blinding the Spiritual eyes of the many demonic agents of darkness that are attached to those who have chosen to be seduced by the campaign of the Devil’s agenda.  These demons are placed on notice…and fearful that YOU may possibly be one of those FOLLOWERS of King of Kings, Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this World…who will be BOLD as a Lion…and REBUKE the Darkness with ALL authority…SHINING the explosive LIGHT of God’s TRUTH, POWER, JUSTICE, LOVE…and LIFE…throughout every corner of that room.

Be BOLD for the Kingdom of God.  Find your COURAGE as you walk into a place that is infiltrated by our common enemy.  Trust me…FEAR will leave these little pests shaking and whimpering as they not only see you as a brilliant LIGHT of HOPE…they also see Jesus walking into that room with YOU as well.

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!



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