That Dumb Ole Biker Rides Again!


From the Mind of a Dumb ole Biker from Somewhere in the Backwoods of Southeast, Texas.

This will probably upset of few of you, but it is reality.

Men taking over the women's world. How did we get here? 

I said 30 years ago, this would happen. 

Women wanted to be equal in everything. They even had a saying, I can do anything a man can do, even better. 

It's sad, but what did everyone think would happen?

Some 30 odd years ago women entered the men's working environment, and instead of going to work, they immediately started emasculating men.  

H.R. departments were set up to ensure men towed the line. Men could no longer be men in the workplace. Posters had to come down, language had to be modified, their very actions as men, had to be modified. Use the wrong language, men were fired, use the wrong gestures, men got fired. Compliment a woman, and men got fired. 

They turned the natural order of things upside down.  

It's sad, but that is the reality of things. You wanted equality in all things, until you didn't. You wanted equality, but on your terms, you upset the natural balance, and now the shoes on the other foot. 

Men are breaking into your world, and you're finding out, there are some things that men have no business being part of in the women's world. It's not your fault, but women did ask for this rather they knew it or not. I said 30 years ago, be careful what you wish for, you might not like the end results. 

Being equal in all things comes with a price. Women emasculated men to a point, that now those emasculated men's children, the boys are acting and doing exactly what they learned from women. They are actually using the same tactics they learned from those women, they want to be equal, but equal on their terms. They want the same right as women and they're proving they can do anything a women can do, only better. Sound familiar? It ought to, that's the same line used on men some 30 years ago. 

Equality has a price, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Men are now winning beauty contest, meant for women. Men are now dominating women's sports; men are now taking over everything that used to be reserved for women. 

For thousands of years, it was the women that held the family unit together, men would perform extraordinary feats, to ensure their women and families were happy and well taken care of.  When you take the women out of the family unit, you end up with what we see today. Emasculated men and their children. 

There were many things a woman could do better than men, but someone convinced them, that it was beneath them. We were designed men and women for a reason, each having their own set of skills, their own sense of purpose, but someone convince them, that they should be men, women taking on the roles that were for thousands of years, relegated to men. Someone convinced them that they should be equal in all things. 

What did you think would happen? Everything, rather you want to believe it or not, everything that happened in the push for equality has led to this moment in time. Now emasculated, feminine. men are pushing back and entering the world of women. In the push to become men-like, you created this mess, emasculated, feminine men with feelings and emotions who now act like women.   

What do I know about such things, I'm just a Dumb ole Biker, living in the Backwoods of Southeast, Texas.

I'm not advocating that women should not be in the workplace, but I am saying women are women and men are men, maybe it's time to start acting like it again. There used to be a saying, behind every good man there was a woman. Women made men what they were then, and sadly what they are now.


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