The Right Hand of God

 Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I (the Mighty God of Heaven) am with you; be NOT dismayed, for I AM your God; I WILL strengthen you, I WILL help you, I WILL uphold you with My RIGHTEOUS right hand.

As BELIEVERS in the Most High God of Heaven…and steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…we have become priorities of the Devil to become DETOURED, DISTRACTED, DISCOURAGED…and even STOPPED…in reaching our GOALS and VICTORIES that have been set in place by our most POWERFUL and AWESOME God of EVERYTHING.  

The enemy knows full-well the impact that WE can inflict to the realm of darkness as WE forge forward SHINING the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE..,and LIFE Eternal…through the acceptance of our precious King, Jesus…as one’s Lord and Savior of their Life.  We MUST rest assured…that not only are we equipped with the Spiritual ARMOR of God to appropriately step into the raging battlefield of any evil conflict…we also have as our comrades in arms…thousands of God’s Warring Angels of Light carrying flaming Swords of TRUTH and POWER…and eager to engage this diabolical foe as well.

Don’t let the constant barrage of flaming arrows discourage you…because the enemy is desperate in stopping you from wining your VICTORY.  And remember…it is YOUR command that the Angels are waiting for…to have them engage your aggressors…and CRUSH them like the little gnats that they are.  And here’s what the Devil never wants to here YOU say…as God Himself is standing beside you…”CHARGE!!!”

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!



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