There I Am

Matthew 18:20

“For where TWO or THREE gather in My Name, there AM I with them.”

As BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven…and as confessed FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus…do you realize that Jesus is excited to be asked to join-in on EVERY conversation that we have with each other?  Even our casual meetings we may have with a friend at a coffee shop, golf course, sporting event, phone conversation…and even a round-table discussion at a board meeting…Jesus has promised us that…if you simply ask Him to join the conversation…He will supernaturally appear within that group of BELIEVERS…and lend direction and inspiration to the conversation.

Have you ever felt a loss for words when engaging in small talk with a stranger who shared with you that they are also a BELIEVER?  Well…make a bold step…and step out of your “Comfort Zone”…ask Jesus to join in the conversation.  You’ll be surprised at how that little gathering will explode with fruitful and inspiring words of FAITH, HOPE…and LOVE.

Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!!



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