Beware of the Algorithm



By Bill the Butcher


As all of you, I have struggled with internet censorship ever since Mark Zuckerberg and others of his ilk discovered the word algorithm. For those of you who aren’t in the know, an algorithm is a subroutine slipped insidiously into an application online to perform some duty that the originator of said code is either too ignorant or too lazy to do themselves Mano ã Mano thereby consigning said duty to some some of result of Artificial Intelligence we call an Algorithm!


There are now thousands of algorithms lurking about in the shadows to keep us all on the straight and narrow should we slip into freedom of speech, original thought, or disagreement with any of the countless rules of engagement devised by certain sexually confused individuals on the payroll of other paper tigers that currently form our masters. 


We, as human beings tend to believe that somewhere out there in the digital void there are actual other human beings pulling the silicon strings that lead us through the treacherous waters of cyberspace and that they are there to defend God, America, and mom’s apple pie. Au Contrairé! God, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost caught the last train for the coast, we now spell America “Amerika” and that apple pie that just hit you in the face is in the form of a vaccine supposedly designed to save you from a mysterious virus we lovingly called COVID but its trade name was Fauci 2.0!


So, now that we’ve got that out of the way how do these algorithms affect/direct our lives from birth to grave?  Well, first off, they’re everywhere. Every phone call, every streetlight, every movie, and especially every time we try to communicate. That last one is very important. If there is anything the new Masters of The Universe understand it’s the power of the printed word. Think about that. Since time immemorial words of various dialects have changed minds and history. And it’s usually simple stuff. What was originally “Don’t put hand in fire” evolved into “Don’t put fentanyl in mouth.” What was chipped on a wall in some cave found its way to the printed word, to a scroll, a book, an email, and finally to Facebook, with an algorithm that targeted the word “fire!”


Did I say, “Insidious?” That doesn’t encompass the scope of an algorithm that was produced by another algorithm. Allow me to elaborate. Back in the day editing involved simple rules. First off, the book, article, song, movie script, note on a bathroom stall, etc had to be produced by an reasonably intelligent being. Well, the internet did away with all that right away. With the advent of the net whack jobs abounded. Where before it was how many shooters were on the Grassy Knoll it became how many chemtrails have you seen today? By the way, I find it interesting that I’m from Texas and nowhere had I ever heard the term “Grassy Knoll” until it bundled up in the northern press. Before that it was just a hill. But back on topic; take chemtrails for instance. Lots and lots of people buy into that. But, lots and lots of guys think the dancer is going to go home with them because they put a dollar in her G-String. It doesn’t stop there. The simple religious idea of The Resurrection morphed into Zombies! Zombies! Freaking zombiesThere is actually a government plan on what to do in case of a zombie attack. Come to think of it that scenario might very well occur. We call it Congress. 


But slowly the editor became an algorithm. Now I was gonna tell you about one. Remember when you could put something up on Facebook and Bada Bing Bada Boom it magically appeared on your feed? And it would stay there unless someone took exception to it. I mean, like if you said, “Yo mama wears army boots,” and somebody’s dead mama really did wear army boots it would get pulled and that was that. Later we were introduced to Facebook Jail. But that was reserved for postings about someone’s sister having a tattoo on the back of her neck. For the record, I’ve been to Facebook Jail so many times that I have tattoos! And the dancer costs more than a dollar. Anyway. Where was I?


 Originally your post would instantly pop up. Then it Began to take a bit. And now, depending on which way the Woke wind blows it may not find its way through the algorithm jungle to your feed at all. All in the spirit of inclusion.  Have you ever noticed that the Wokesters want to include people you wouldn’t want to marry your sister? Jus’ Sayin’. And don’t even get me started about the alphabet people. Inclusive? Why don’t they “include” the letter “P” for those who, according to the DSM-5, are “Minor Attracted?”


Combine the algorithms with the Woke understanding of humanity, multiply it by ten terabytes, squared and you get Karl Marx’s Utopian Dream. We all follow orders, walk in lock step, and love Alice the Goon! Oh snap! Watch there be some ugly chick out there named Alice who just read that and now has a pistol in her mouth. Freedom of speech is a long-forgotten idea that we’re not allowed to remember. America started out as a dynamic idea formulated by a bunch of guys who were tired of the very situation they’d left over there that was trying to impose its failed ideas of government over here. Freedom of speech simply meant that you were free to express your mind. America had minds to express. At least up until now. Now we have people who don’t know if they should squat or stand trying to tell us how to pee. And their best scientists try to ride bathtubs held together with silly putty down to see the Titanic. They should’ve just stuck to the grassy knoll. 


And this world view is all directed by some temp employee writing some computer code that survived her eight-month contract whereupon she went back to Burger King as the girl in the drive through window. Just hope she remembers that I ordered without onions. 





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