God Is Love


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 

LOVE is PATIENT and KIND; LOVE does not ENVY or BOAST; it is not ARROGANT or RUDE.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not IRRITABLE or RESENTFUL; it does not rejoice at WRONGDOING, but rejoices with the TRUTH.  LOVE bears ALL things, BELIEVES all things, HOPES all things, ENDURES all things.  LOVE never ends.  As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

What’s the best way to show your LOVE to someone?  FORGIVE them.  You say, “You don’t understand…they really hurt me…and they could care less.”  Why did Jesus ask God to FORGIVE those evil individuals that were mocking, laughing, spitting at, cursing…and screaming at Him to die?  Because…in spite of all the torture and suffering He went through for that entire day…He still LOVED each one of those ungodly Souls…and knew that His Father in Heaven would cast a special judgement upon them for killing His Son.  A sentence that would last for an Eternity in Hell.  That’s LOVE.

So…could you EVER find it in your heart to FORGIVE that someone who just might be praying for that phone call when they hear you say, “I FORGIVE you.”  It will amaze you at how the weight of un-forgiveness and animosity will lift off your shoulders and finally make you free.

Have a BLESSED Sunday Y’all!!!



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