If you seek wisdom


Proverbs 1:7

The FEAR of the Lord is the BEGINNING of KNOWLEDGE; fools despise WISDOM and INSTRUCTION.

Do you know what the difference is between KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM?  Knowing that a tomato is actually a fruit is an example of KNOWLEDGE…not putting that tomato in a fruit salad is WISDOM.

King Solomon fully understood that it would be impossible to govern a Nation without the WISDOM of God.  So, as his first request (in a vivid dream)…he asked the Mighty God of Heaven for WISDOM…rather, than Health, Wealth…and POWER.  God was so pleased that He not only gave him the knowledge and wisdom that would surpass any person who has ever lived…He also threw in ALL the riches and POWER as well.

1 Kings 3:9

“Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to GOVERN your people, that I may DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL, for who is able to govern this your great people?”

Take a look at our Politicians.  Can you see the ones who FEAR God?  What about the godless mouthpieces spewing hatred from an elected position of power…who make a mockery of God’s laws and commandments…are you able to DISCERN if they stand on the side of GOOD…our do they swim within the swamp of EVIL?  

Look…if you ask our Heavenly Father for His Wisdom…be prepared to become BOLD and COURAGEOUS as the Holy Spirit gives you a clear understanding of who is standing in the Marvelous LIGHT of God’s TRUTH, POWER, LOVE…and LIFE Eternal through our Glorious King, Jesus…and the ones who are within the shadows of darkness bowing to the Devil and begging for his favor.  And trust me…there are wolves dressed up like Republicans prowling the Sacred halls of Congress and every corridor of power as well.

So…to sum up.  What is a tomato?

Have a BLESSED Friday Y’all!!!



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