Focus on the Word of God


James 1:2

Count it all JOY, my Brothers (and Sisters in Christ), when you meet TRIALS (and roadblocks) of various kinds (thrown at you from the Devil).

Have you found yourself recently going through an UNEXPECTED struggle?  You’ve suddenly felt as if you’re being bombarded from all sides…taking flack and fiery darts from unseen forces peering out from the darkness.  You’ve check off all your boxes within your list of “To-Do” things…we as Christians must DO when we’ve felt attacked by our invisible foe…such as…have I prayed up enough?  Do I have on ALL my Armor of God on to fight this battle?  Have I asked our Heavenly Father for FORGIVENESS of ourselves…and to FORGIVE others who may have offended you (that’s a big one)?  And have WE asked our Mighty God to “Step-In” and FIGHT beside you as you swing blindly into the dark?

I want to encourage you today.  If you are suddenly in a war that is exploding all around you…”Count it ALL as JOY”!!!  How can you say something as crazy as that?  Not my words…rather…His Words.  You see the Devil knows full-well of the incredible BLESSING that you are about to achieve as a VICTORY.  He is going to try EVERYTHING to DISCOURAGE you…cause you to STUMBLE…find a crack in your FAITH…and to have you give up on your dream.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Be sober-minded (focus on the Word of God); be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  RESIST him, firm in your FAITH, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your Brotherhood (and Sisterhood) throughout the World.

Have a BLESSED Monday Y’all!!!

Remember…GREATER is He (the Holy Spirit) that is within you…than he (the Devil) that is in this World.



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