Because Texas Constitutional Enforcement played and is playing such a big role in the coalition letter to Gov. Abbott below and the issues so urgent, I am invoking the @everyone notification.  Texas Constitutional Enforcement joins 192 other grassroots organizations around Texas to urge the governor to address the most urgent dangers to Texans.

More will be coming over the next few weeks about how you can help ask the governor for urgent action on behalf of Texas.

For sharing broadly, here is a link to a web version of this letter that includes a link to a PDF of the letter:

Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition
P.O. Box 130012

Tyler, TX 75713

193 Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition Leaders Say, “Protect Texans!”

Call for Gov. Abbott’s Immediate Addition of Urgent Topics to 2023 Special Sessions

August 25, 2023

The Honorable Texas Governor Greg Abbott Office of the Governor

P.O. Box 12428

Austin, TX 78711-2428

Electronic dispatch to Steve Munisteri, Senior Policy Advisor; Gardner Pate, Governor’s Chief of Staff:

Dear Governor Abbott:

We write to urge that you add the following five topics to the earliest practicable special legislative session. Upon your careful consideration of the case we herein make, we believe you will agree with us that each of these five issues are daggers pointed at the heart of Texas and the liberty of her citizens.

These topics, vital to the security of ALL Texans, are (1) monetary freedom, (2) operational control of the border/end to child sex trafficking, (3) state-level election law enforcement, (4) electric grid protection, and (5) protection of Fourth Amendment rights and the freedom to travel by legally empowering Texans to disable Biden’s mandated vehicular kill-switches.



Problem: Polls show that the number one issue on the mind of American voters is inflation. A growing number of citizens want to stop federal Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which will destroy financial privacy and implement police state control of Texans.

Solution: Legislation to provide sound money, monetary stability, and monetary freedom for Texans and to resist implementation of a federal Central Bank Digital Currency.

The good news is that we already have strong 88th Regular Session bills that could be and should be reintroduced to expedite this special session issue. We strongly recommend HJR 146 (Capriglione)/SJR 67 (Parker), the right to use currency of choice; HB 4903 (Dorazio)/SB 2334 (Hughes), transactional gold and silver as legal tender issued by the Texas Bullion Depository; and a resolution like HCR 88 (Capriglione)/SCR 25 (Parker), declaring the State of Texas’ opposition to Central Bank Digital Currency.

Urgency: Texans have a growing concern about a coming financial storm, and want ways to protect their families. We may be in the storm before 2025! The time to build a firewall is before you are in the fire.


Problem: The federal government is violating federal law and using our federal tax dollars to enable and subsidize the cartels in their profit-centered slavery of child-sex trafficking, human labor trafficking, and fentanyl poisoning. In addition, many national security experts are warning that the thousands of Chinese and Iranian military-aged illegal border crossers are likely here for nefarious purposes.

While the State of Texas is laudably working to repel border crossings between ports of entry, the US Border Patrol is destroying Texas property and thwarting Texas law enforcement’s legitimate law enforcement efforts.

Solution: Legislation to support the Governor in invoking the self-defense reservation of power to Texas found in Article I, Sec. 10 of the U.S. Constitution and support the Governor in authorizing Texas border enforcers to repel border crossers between ports of entry at the border and to build Texas inspection facilities close to or at ports of entry to catch contraband, including fentanyl. Legislation to require collection, preservation, and analysis of DNA samples of non-citizen children and adults apprehended in the vicinity of the border for storage in databases that can be used to stop child sex-trafficking and other crime. Legislation to add sex-slave trade to existing penal statutes that apply to organized crime and impose severe penalties on all actors including, without limitation, the purchasers of trafficked human beings. Legislation to criminalize crossing the Texas border onto private land between ports of entry and increase penalties for federal agents who interfere with enforcement of Texas law.

Urgency: Every day that we wait to seize operational control of our Texas border with Mexico and delay beefing up and enforcing child sex-trafficking laws means more children’s lives are destroyed, more Texans die of fentanyl poisoning, more terrorists are embedded in Texas, and more people are living in Texas as debt slaves to the cartels. Governor, Texas MUST lead to save Texas!


Problem: The 2022 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals’ State v. Stephens opinion prohibiting the Texas Attorney General from independent, state-level prosecution of the violation of election (and other) law makes prosecution of election law violations in the high population counties of Texas in 2024 unlikely. Any law without enforcement is worthless.

Solution: Legislation to implement independent state-level prosecution of election integrity, public integrity, abortion, human smuggling, sex slave trade, sedition, and riot in response to and in compliance with the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals’ State v Stephens decision.

The bill that led the way in the 88thRegular Session was SB 1927 (Hughes). For a variant on that approach, see also HB 4026 (Schofield).

Urgency: Texas is unlikely to have effective enforcement of election law in the largest counties in 2024 without this legislation. Recently passed improvements to the law enabling removal of recalcitrant prosecutors are worthwhile, but due to long lead times and narrow removal criteria, these

improvements will not work to address the looming 2024 problem. It is no secret that in certain counties, Texans cannot rely on local prosecutors to enforce the rule of law! Adding state prosecutorial resources for human trafficking, sex slave trade, abortion enforcement and election law violations will no doubt save the lives of children and protect Texas voters from organized vote theft.


Problem: The Texas electrical grid and other critical infrastructure are vulnerable to nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP), cyber and physical attack, solar disturbances, and extreme weather. This issue has been discussed for five Texas legislative sessions with no results!

Solution: Legislation to direct and fund the hardening of electrical transmission and generation facilities and other critical infrastructures against the threat of solar disturbances, nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks, foreign and domestic terrorists, and to provide measurable resiliency to critical infrastructure against all-hazards in Texas.

Urgency: Discussion of war with enemies capable of launching nuclear EMP attacks is in the news every day and on the minds of forward-thinking, responsible Texans. NASA has predicted that we have a one in twelve chance of a solar event capable of destroying our grid over the next decade. These urgent threats are worthy of your action. Timely, responsible leadership from you is required to address these threats that could happen any day. Don’t wait!


Problem: The Biden Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in November 2021 requires all vehicles to be equipped with remote vehicle tracking and disabling technology (otherwise known as a remote kill- switch) beginning after 2026. This poses a direct and imminent threat to travel liberties (the free association of people), to free trade (free market commerce), and to our Fourth Amendment Constitutional right not to be surveilled by the government without a warrant. We dare not trust the federal government with such potential for abuse!

Solution: Legislation to protect the Fourth Amendment rights and other rights of Texans by requiring that they be allowed to disable vehicular kill-switches cheaply and easily.

Urgency: Since the federal law requires every car maker to add the kill-switch to every new vehicle sold after 2026 and since vehicle design lead-times are long, Texas must pass any protections this year to have any impact on the vehicles manufactured for sale. Legislation on this topic in 2025 will be too late to impact vehicle designs for 2026.

Finally, we understand that you plan to add school choice to the next call, and that you plan to focus that session solely on school choice. Governor, we urge you to add these urgent topics to the next session’s call simultaneous with school choice. We worry that House resistance to solid, liberty principle-focused school choice will cause delays and thus YOU will lose the window you need to pass legislation urgently needed to shield Texans from the clear and present dangers we have laid out.

The time to protect Texas is NOW, Governor Abbott!


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