

Ephesians 2:10

For we (who are BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) are His workmanship, Created in Christ Jesus for GOOD works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Do you realize that EVERY person on this planet has the perfect plan for their life embedded within them by God?  He masterfully designed each and every step that we should take…as we traveled down the narrow pathway that leads to our Heavenly Father’s plan for our life…finding Jesus and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior.

Unfortunately, for millions of individuals…they have stepped off God’s pathway that is paved with His TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE…and the only road that leads to Heaven…Jesus.  They chose to jump on a road filled with potholes, roadblocks…that eventually ends up leading them off a cliff…where they free-fall into a place where there is no hope of rescue…or, an opportunity of Salvation at that crucial moment.

Are you a  FOLLOWER of the King of Kings, the Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this dark World?  Then find your courage and BOLDNESS to know that our God has brought you this far in His plan for you…to get out there and bring the lost on the dead-end streets of this World…and lead them BACK to that straight and narrow pathway that will lead them to Jesus.

Have a BLESSED Wednesday Y’all!!!



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