The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same


Kielia is up and running worldwide. Writer’s strike is ending. Welcome back guys, and thanks for sitting out the summer and letting Austin finish our movies. Ever heard that today’s news is tomorrow’s fish paper? Don’t understand that? Ok, what was the name of that warlord Putin shot out of the sky? GOTCHA! 

Personally, I’m doing great. I’ve been taking Indian herbs for a while now and my vision is not dimmed or my natural force is unabated. We went through the DNA thing this summer which is the modern version of “WHO’s Yo’ Daddy.” Some affirmations, some surprises. Puck’s linage was no surprise. Her biological father turned out to be 99.99999% her daddy. And he’s a great guy! Only one time did Jackie ever tell the truth in her life and her insistence that he was Puck’s dad was because she was loyal once, or he got lucky and hit it at the right time of the day. I have two sons. I know Wilbur’s mine because he’s cursed with my face, but Timmy, not so much. We would have gotten Timmy’s DNA and cleared things up, but he was afraid we’d give it to the FBI and clear a host of cold cases. So there’s that!

We were blessed with raising Jackie’s five kids years ago. Well, I wasn’t blessed, I was exiled by the CPS because I’m an a$$hole, but my ex was blessed, and blessed, and blessed. Now that the little blessings are nearing eighteen perhaps they will run away from home and bless someone else. 

Haven’t heard anything out of Ted. He was pretty irritated with me the last time we spoke. Coulda died. Hell, everybody else is. He took it badly when Vic and I started Witt & Wittier. I had to do something. I’m over seventy now and I’m not Paul McCartney. One day my legs will snap up under me like a window shade and to the bone yard I go. With my life I have no illusions about heaven, but Jesus sure kicked in with the movie thing. Hey, thanks Big Guy.

Just gotta give a shoutout to my former daughter in law, Pamela. I say “former” because I’m still mad at her. Saw her here around two years ago whereupon she informed me that I never had COVID, I was NOT a writer, and I needed to be in a nursing home. I don’t know if I had COVID or not, but I will say that whatEVER I had will do until COVID comes along. Y’all DID put me in a nursing home, Pamela and I escaped and named my movie, “Kielia” after YOUR daughter, Kylie. Suck on THAT!

Much love to Kylie who stood between me and the troops at Scott & White, and her wonderful husband, Dr. Hunter and her child that I will never see. 

I will continue to live in Tennessee and work in Austin until farther notice. In the end I will buy a bus, a case of Jim Beam and take Pam to Occatillo Wells and try to act like I’m not having a good time as we search for the Lost Dutchman’s Mine.


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