So You Have A Dream?


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.


Martin Luther King Jr





Now that we have that nonsense out of the way I will tell you the truth, and the truth will set you free. Freedom of speech is a slippery slope. One man’s speech is another man’s curse. All debates are in actuality an explanation of different points of view. The object of a debate is to sway the opinion of listeners. And why are there listeners? Because most are followers while very few are leaders. 


This especially applies to religious debates. Picture this. You take a Catholic priest, an Islamic Allamah, an atheist, and Billy Joe Jim Bob, pastor of the First Baptist Church and Catfish House, put them all together on a stage and try to get a consensus. Now that takes faith, brother. Can I have an Amen?


Political theory is just as difficult. Take communism. Please! No, work with me here. On its surface communism looks like a good deal. Everyone contributes into a communal pot and only take out what they need. All are equal, and of course all have no ulterior motives like greed, lust, hate, or any number of other things known to man from the time Grog knocked some cave woman over the head with a big stick or until the big communist becomes more equal than the little one. 


Capitalism ain’t much better. The problem is you will always have the “Haves” and the “Have Nots.” But there are more “Have Nots” than “Haves.” Ergo, after a while the “Have Nots” will rise up and take all the stuff away from the “Haves,” but the “Have Nots” have a whole lotta quit in them and in a reasonable amount of time you’re right back where you started sans a constitution the way you wrote it and not one right intact in that legendary Bill of Rights you were so proud of. God Bless ‘Merica!


And the purveyors of the Deep State, New World Order, Illuminati, or whatever the hell you call them take in the cash, get all the girls while the so-called “people” are allowed to hold the towel. And it don’t matter if it’s China, Russia, USA, or Pago Pago! The song remains the same. 


No system of government is built to last. Not one can stand the test of time. The best the common man can do is fall between the cracks during a time of upheaval when the “Haves” are trying to save their sanctimonious tails, gather as much as they can and change their name. Because the more things change the more they stay the same. 


This aspect of the human condition is demonstrated by the example given in the beginning of this article. All the people, save the atheist, in spite of their outward pleasing demeanor are hoping that the other contestants will choke on fire and smoke forever and ever . . . because they love them! 


And you can never change this. Oh, you may get pockets of humans that seem to have it all worked out. Give ‘em time. Someone will screw someone’s sister and there you’ll have it. A Hundred Year War. 


Once there were far less than a million humans of various vintage walking, crawling, or swinging through the trees. In spite of ice, mice, or lack of rice, man proliferated to the detriment of every other creature on the planet. So God decided to confuse the language to avoid having The United Nations. Well, we’ve clearly seen that didn’t work. Stupid knows no language barrier. I can tell Won Hun Lo in North Korea is dumb as a rock and I can’t understand a word he says. 


But opinions present a real problem. There is a skew of self-styled philosophers on TLB Talk who have convinced themselves that I’m a Jew. And I let them run with it because I’m a Wilburist, a faith of my own Divine revelation. I pick at them because I’m the kind of guy that will throw the empty shells of peanuts that I’ve eaten into the monkey cage at the zoo to try to coerce the monkeys into throwing crap at me, but hey, that’s just me. Sorry monkeys. 


There is an island out in the Indian Ocean. Nobody can go there! The inhabitants of said island kill everyone who darkens their waters. If you ain’t family, you’re on the menu. Literally! Now they have it figured out, but I’ll assure you that even there you will find a chief chef just waiting for the next missionary to land on the beach and bring them “salvation.” Following Seas. 






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