The Rules of War?


by Kent Franks

I wish we humans would stop all of this senseless killing that we've been doing to each other since we rolled up out of Africa.

 Don't get me wrong back in those days, 50,000 years ago, you needed to have the tribe or the clan with you in order to survive.

 Because the world back in those days was a really dangerous💀🦣🐅🐆☠️ place for humans.

We don't have any fangs or claws and when it comes to physical strength pound for pound we ain't 💩,.. and, we're only apex predators because of our advance mental abilities

 ( Most of us anyway )

So the clan and the tribe was essential back then for survival.

 Throughout the millennia we've only fought over religious, social, ethnic, cultural and superstitious BS.

 And then someone comes up with rules for war.

 why the 🖕 would I want treat my enemy with respect? (( I think I could personally treat my enemy with decency )),...but like, I always say, MANY people are just filled up with roar emotions which in turn derails their rational way of thinking.

I wonder how many countries really go a long with the " Rules of war ", as stated by the Geneva convention,...because usually when you fighting a war against someone you want to kill them, you don't want give them water, food or comfort?


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