For All The People to See!


For All The People to See


Grandpappy told my pappy

Back in my day, son

When a man had to answer

For the wicked he done


Take all the rope in Texas

Find a tall oak tree

Round up all of them bad boys

Hang ‘em RIGHT in the street!



Again and again I return to Western Justice. I take a lot of hits when I do that for several reasons. First off my ways are archaic. Too old fashioned. Won’t work in the modern world. We’ve moved beyond that. Yada Yada Yada. Have we moved past kidnapping and murdering little nine-year-old girls? 


In this four-thousand-year misunderstanding in the Middle East a little girl was “captured.” Her parents were killed before her very eyes. She was rushed from house to house by “brave soldiers” of Hamas as Israeli forces sought to find hostages. Finally, in an act of benevolence, the followers of Mohammed released her. 


Hamas hadn’t a prayer of victory when they pounced on a music festival in Israel. But they beat up little girls real good! God gave the Jews Israel but He signed a sublease to the Palestinians. All was well until we stepped in and declared the Second Coming and invalidated over a thousand years of history by giving the so-called Holy Land to the Jews. Ok! Hitler was a monster. Ok! The Germans looked the other way. Ok, they need reparations. Give ‘em Germany. Hell! Give ‘em the Vatican too! I don’t find anywhere that Pope WhoEVER even called Der Fuhrer in need of confession. Don’t you wanna know why? Because it was standing room only in the gas chambers. THAT’S why! Everyone’s always running off at the mouth about to “Judeao-Christian West. There you go. The Holy Roman Synagogue. 


Sometimes it boils down to one thing. Everything else don’t mean . . . well what Jack Palance said it don’t mean. Roger’s been nice to me so I gotta cool it on the language, but you know where I’m going. Well, the one thing that riles me is the mistreatment of one nine year old girl. And it doesn’t matter if she’s a Jew, a Muslim, or a Mormon. She’s a little girl. God . . .wait, better not say that. To hades with your religion. What was that Jesus said about millstones? Yeah. If you so much as offend one of the little ones. Kidnap, molest, kill, or even steal their ice cream. Offend! 


God! Hamas and Nathan Yahoo better thank their Gods I’m not the president. I’d take “for all the people to see” to a whole new level. Steal a camel. A fast one. I’d hang camel thieves. And they are all guilty. This mess is no different than an 1880 range war sans Billy the Kid. When you steal people’s land you’re just a filibuster. Don’t feel righteous. If you don’t have a feather in your hair you are not American. You are a guest. Likewise, if you offend a little girl you’re just a pedophile. What’re you doing here, Mohammed?


She’s nine and counting. Her brothers and sisters are worldwide and they’re growing. And we are facing a real live race of Attention Deficiency Adherents who one day will serve us up a big old pot of revenge.  And we will piss and moan and invoke our religions as we swing . . . for all the people to see! 


Image Credit: All Article Images,  personal, Pixabay License, or Public Domain






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