The Slaughter of the Innocents




When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 17 Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:


The hospital’s main building has effectively ceased functioning, with doctors working by candlelight and wrapping premature babies in foil to keep them alive – with some warning the situation inside has become “catastrophic.”

Politicians, lawyers and pimps have a unique way of twisting events to suit their needs. It is said that history is written by the victors. Where is the victory in denying a newborn baby his or her last breath? 


I will agree that Hamas has earned a number five ass-whipping for their unprecedented attack on Israel. I will even agree in some of the cost in civilian lives for letting a criminal organization run their country. I will not agree with letting a baby suffocate for lack of power in the nursery. 


I asked the God of Israel what He thinks since He is supposed to advise the Jews, and he said: If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung round their neck and they were thrown into the sea!


No fifty shades of grey there folks. That’s a large millstone, not your usual, run of the mill stone. And right now it’s bound for Nathan Yahoo’s neck, and every wild-eyed Arab who started this mess. 


I was just like every good Babocat, believing in Israel. But I saw this Islam guy giving this talk. And he had the usual beard but he was pretty smart. He was talking about Mitochondrial DNA. You see, to be a real Jew you gotta have a Jewish mother. Or you just jump up one day and say you’re a Jew. Well it seems that back in the day there was these four women who done just that. And they were like Greek, Ethiopian, Egyptian and I think one was from Jersey, her son was a doctor, but don’t quote me on that. Anyway they were no more Jewish than my dog Cleo. And all these Rabbis are tracing their history back to them. Kushan!


And the Islams. Oh don’t get me started. Abraham’s wife was older than dirt and God told Abraham to screw his dishwasher to get a son, and voila! Out popped Umar Ahmed Razzle Dazzle Goldstein. Then the wife got with child and Abraham had to run the girlfriend off. Hey we’ve all been there. But, not being Joseph Smith he couldn’t just call his love buddy a sister wife so off to the desert she went. He did give her a Fifth of camel piss just in case she got thirsty but Allah gave her a case of Ozarka water and down through time Mohammed came about, wrote his OWN Bible and hated on every Jew that ever celebrated Passover!  Can I have an amen? 


That all sounds pretty silly doesn’t it? About as silly as a four-thousand-year argument over a birth certificate huh? And I don’t wanna go all Texan on you but all them Negros de arena look like Mexicans to me. How can they ever tell each other apart? 


And the peoples of the world are all screaming, “Oh God, it’s gonna be World War Three!” It can’t be World War Three. The Krauts aren’t involved. Putin is bluffing. Zelensky has him tied in a knot and China’s too busy working on a new super clap to take over the world. 


About the only thing Ahab or Robblestien can beat up is babies IF they’re short of breath. And the supposedly “civilized” nations of the world are just sitting around letting it happen. All because “Father Abraham” got a piece of tail. 


Why don’t we do this. Cut all the money off to every damn one of them. Make them earn their daily bread. Fight it out and be done with it. They believe in God, Allah, or WhomEVER so much then let Him sort it out. Flood the Middle East with meth. Then they’ll be more worried about that next pipe than who screwed who four thousand years ago. Then reinstitute slavery, round them all up, put them on boats and bring them to Alabama. Save your Confederate money boys the south will rise again. I oughta be president. 




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