Are You Not Entertained?

 Are You Not Entertained


Elon Musk reinstated Alex Jones after a poll on his Social Media, X said, Oh, hell yeah.” And all the sugar plumb snowflakes had a double knee-action nervous breakdown. 


I agree that Alex sits out on a limb sawing between himself and the tree, but one thing needs to be said. Is he any more harmful than a teacher in a public school ie a school paid for in all or part by the government teaching first graders to saw off their dicks to become girls? I’ll give you a minute. Take all the time you need. 


Ok, Sandy Hook was a horrible deal. So was Luby’s, Uvalde, Columbine and for that matter, The Alamo. Without going into all the gun control crap, can we all agree that bad things happen to good people. And no people are better than a bunch of first graders sweating their ABCs. 


Have any of you seen the movie “Predator?” Or maybe “The Wizard of Oz?” Maybe a little soft porn? Do you believe any of that is real? Then why do you believe anything the purveyor of gay frogs talks about? 


Practically everything you see or hear in public media is some form of entertainment. Twenty-first life has become a three-legged race to the grave. As the water runs out, the weather heats up, and Soylent Green actually starts to look good, a flabbermouth such as Alex Jones can provide blessed relief to the pre-suicide crowd, and the more outrageous, the more entertaining. 


In my day, back at the end of the Civil War, conspiracy theories were “In!” I mean you kids have Alex Jones. We had Lyndon (Tonkin Gulf) Johnson with a fifty thousand sum-odd body count before it was all over who’d send you to Saigon for your senior trip. Suck on THAT compadré! I was a believer in the Warren Commission who told us a bullet twisted and turned, stopped to have lunch, then went on to kill a president and pop a governor. And I bought that. FYI: Lyndon appointed that commission. Jus’ Sayin’. Then recently I caught a video from a gentleman on YouTube known as Hitchcock 45 who demonstrates various guns. Now Hitch can shoot. He can hit a pie plate at two-hundred yards with a 44 revolver. He took it upon himself to acquire a 6.5 Carcano M91/38 Bolt Action rifle which was exactly the same rifle alleged to have been used by Lee Harvey on that fateful day in Dallas that ushered LBJ into office. I use the word alleged because the suspect was never brought to trial. All you Googling whizz kids look up what that means. Long story short, Hitch tried to hit a fairly large chunk of metal using the Hollywood Scope and couldn’t do it thereby resorting to using the iron sights, scoring I believe one “ping.” He left the pie plate alone. According to the commission, Oswald made three hits at a moving target in less than eight seconds. One was a head shot and the last shot was a two for one. In the words of the Prophet Scoobie Doo . . .Ruh Roh!


If something is unbelievable and you watch or listen to it anyway that counts as entertainment. Flat Earth is nonsense. The Magic Bullet in Dallas was pure fiction and Alex Jones is outhouse crazy if he thinks those kids at Sandy Hook didn’t die. Now back before Pregnant Men a very large percentage of the population would simply discount Infowars as a pack of wingnuts and move on. But Alex doesn’t owe anyone any money because he hoit dey widdle fewins. I’m sorry for them, but it happens. Other than this article I won’t mention it. Too much pain for those who lost loved ones. We lost a few in Waco. The sand is mixed with the ashes of children at Mount Carmel, and if there is a God in Heaven all those babies know each other. Yall be cool. 






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