And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them


Isaiah 11:6-9

The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.



When you consider the enormity of the universe, the vast distance between our solar system and even the closest star, the numbers are beyond human understanding, indeed computation even using all the modern mathematics devised to at least try to understand the issue. It makes us ask: Why in the world would God create a system so vast that there’s absolutely no chance in hell for man to totally grasp it? Well, it’s because it wasn’t exclusively for man. The insignificant primate so recently wearing a Brooks Brothers Suit could accurately be identified as the proverbial fart in a hurricane, only on a cosmic scale. 




The arrogance of the human Gnome to suppose that he, she, or it has any effect at all on the destiny of anything except its own self is just that. Arrogance. It leads to searching for “The Truth.” It ends with a very subjective “Truth” defined by any number of religions or political theories populating history. And one size does not fit all if indeed they fit any AT all! Mormonism anyone? 


Didn’t we suppose that God might have made any other plans besides our situation on Friday night? The one that patterned galaxies after atoms has a bit more on the ball than Kim Jong Un. And after some new, revolutionary idea comes off the presses the elites analyze it until someone eventually returns to back to basics and an entire fundamentalist movement emerges. Will Voo Do? 


The biggest civilization in history would be quickly forgotten if not for these noodle headed “experts” forever reinventing the wheel, trying over and over to balance it. But the song remains the same. When the ruins of Pompeii were examined in detail and the true essence of Roman culture became painfully obvious it was found for all of Ceasars’s letters they mainly stayed drunk and naked and frolicked with teenage girls. Just like California. What could possibly go wrong? 


And the very idea that such a creature could aspire to understanding the mind of God. Or that God would even care. When you realize that you realize that the most desperate prayers come from people trying to pray themselves out of a hole that they themselves dug, and you can quickly understand the atheist amusement at this useless pleading before that stack of bricks in Jerusalem that the same fornicating Romans left as a timely reminder that the sword IS mightier than ANY pen, fountain or ball point. Steel is steel and dead is dead. 


The infinite timelessness of the Almighty goes two ways. Up into the cosmos and down into the quantum world where all bets are off. When you realize that His universe is separate from ours you must accept that perhaps God created multi-universes, side by side like bubbles in a beer, each being separate from the other. With its own set of rules. 


But if you consider the omnipotent nature of God you must understand that He can understand the vastness of the cosmos and the finite nature of the smallest detail of His creation at the same time which we simply cannot do given our ingrained tunnel vision. That is the ultimate mystery of God. He can understand everything in perfect synchronicity while still creating other vast universes that believe that they, too, are the only ones, like the girlfriend of a sailor who believes that she is the only one when he’s out to a sea of perpetuity. But for God omnipotent mind they really can be the only one, be it a king, or a little girl. Perhaps He hears the little girl first. 


Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1-3).


Most philosophers, professors, or Texas school ma’arms boil life down to simple dichotomies which perplex those of the four-syllable world. The highbrow examples are long forgotten but the meme survives. Yet both expose the same truth. And man is doomed to discover himself over and over again as the universe endlessly proliferates. And it all comes right back to what is man that God is mindful of him? Or moreover, what is man that he is mindful of himself? 








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