They Shoot Horses Don’t They?

 Google THIS!



Have you ever noticed how some things can insinuate themselves without having any intrinsic value whatsoever? Now, I don’t mean to asperse on the population, but I’d like to ask a simple question. They shoot horses, don’t they? 


When I worked at Apple we used Google for research. Think about that the next time you call 800-MY APPLE for help. Take all the time you need.  It was more knowledgeable than our own Knowledge Base and if there was some issue with Apple products it would be filled with customer complaints and, after you weeded out the wingnuts, loaded with tremendous insight. 


And Google grew and grew like the weight on a former high school cheerleader until it was loaded with, well, crap! “Just Google It” became the mantra of all wisdom as if Google was the benchmark, the gold standard for all things informative, more holy than the Bible. 


People with otherwise good sense began to submit to the implied deposit of all truth known as “Google.” Any discussion or debate could be quickly decided by one or the other of the participants invoking the power of “Googlism!”


So where does the information on Google come from? Well, in all fairness, sometimes it will cite a finding by the AMA concerning ingredients on Johnson’s Baby Powder, but the opinion of a twelve-year-old girl on the proper application of a tampon holds equal value among Googlists.”


You can Google anything. From “Old Nasty Bastard” to the Virgin Mary, and depending upon the criteria you enter for the search you can get something that will support anything you burn in your crazy mind. Biden is a lizard, whales speak French at the bottom of the sea, TRUMP 2044! You name it, or rather, Just Google It!


The time-honored method of searching documents at the library has been replaced by the instant coffee of the Z Generation. And that coffee better be in 49,000 flavors and ready in .00023/100ths of a second or you may have to Google prices on a new iPhone. 


Can this problem ever be solved? Well first you have to get sites such as Google to qualify. Qualify as in back up what they put out to the public with facts. Real facts. Or, if it is opinions then state it. In big bold letters at the top. A notice such as:  THIS IS THE OPINION OF A PERSON NOT ALLOWED TO BE WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED YARDS FROM A SCHOOL when someone is checking out girls finishing schools in their area.  


Faster, quicker, easier are the watchwords of the “I, Me, Mine” generation. God forbid they should ever have to work for something, wait for a result, or express empathy. And these folks will change history when needed. 


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” And Simon Peter answered her thus: “Did The Lord not say that He would die, only to be raised on the third day? Google It!”




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