And They Called Us Boomers


I grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana. I never once questioned my grandparent's income or my Mother or Father's!! It was never a discussion. We ate homemade meals consisting of meat, potatoes, and vegetables - (which were not an optional choice). No vegetables, no dessert!!! We bought produce from door-to-door peddlers. We never touched anything that did not belong to us. We never went into someone else's house, we always knocked and got invited in or we didn't go in. We never opened a refrigerator at anyone's house unless asked to do so. We were taught to respect other people's property. And we were rewarded for acting properly.


We grew up during a time when we mowed lawns, pulled weeds, babysat, helped with all chores.  We, by no means, were given everything we wanted. We went outside a lot to play, run with friends, play hide and seek, or went bike riding. We rarely just sat inside, only when we were

Bottled water was unheard of. If we had a Coke, it was in a glass bottle, and we didn’t break the bottle when finished. We saved the bottle for the return money. 

                  Click for Simmonsville Waltz


We always asked our parents if we could go somewhere we wanted to go, who we were going with, and be home before dark. The lights come on you better be in your own yard. That was our cell phones!  Streetlights.


We LEARNED from our parents instead of disrespecting them and treating them as if they knew absolutely nothing.  What they said was LAW and we did not question it, and you had better know it! We watched what we said around our elders and neighbors because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any grown-up, we would get a real good whooping.  It wasn't called abuse; it was called discipline


We held the doors for others and carried the shopping into the house. We gave up our seat for an older person without being asked. We were taught to remove our hat when going into a building. Unless someone came to visit us in particular, we managed to leave the room so the grown-ups could visit.


You didn't hear swear words on the radio in songs or on TV and our parents had better not hear them from us.


Please and Thank you", were part of our daily vocabulary!


The world we live in now is just so full of people who hate and disrespect others. Woke has killed the American way of life. And that world will fade into oblivion when they bury the last of us. And they called us “Boomers!”




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