In A Time Before Time


Exodus 3:14

And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.


Theologians, scientists, philosophers, writers, religious, and atheists have puzzled over this simple line since Rabbis penned it back in the old used to be. It sounded real cool in “The Ten Commandments” as Carlton Heston knelt before that burning bush. So different from what Joseph Smith claimed that he saw on Hill Cumorah millennia later. A voice saying it is what it is! Deal with it!


But it was much more than that. First and foremost, it was the name of God. Of course, greater minds than me will disagree. They will point to all manner of names. From El to Jehova, but only one time did God ever say “This is me! Call me by this and tell your people!” When Jesus uttered the words, “I Am,” Caiaphas tore up his clothes and throwed them on the floor. 


But when “I Am” said it he knew it would fall on deaf ears. Oh, it was cool and all, but the meaning is much deeper than that. Much . . . Deeper. Back in time. Back before the creation of the universe. Back even before that, and then some. And then some more. To a time before time. 


In any Atheist/Preacher debate there is one supposition that will confound everything. If there was a Big Bang, who lit the fuse? And if someone lit it, who lit His. And His, and His, as far back as you want to go. Even Mormons stumble and fall over this stone. Uh, wait! 


And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.


The bush said it was “Am,” Jesus said He was too, He also said he hung out with Abraham, and Peter said this simple fact was a stumbling stone that was beyond all understanding. Don’t you wanna know why? Because we were never supposed to understand it. Our corporeal composition was never programmed to take that in. And that condition is universal. From Angel to Atheist. The buck stops right there!


This was Lucifer’s mistake. He claimed that he would rise above the Most High, and one third of his audience immediately became Woke and God reassigned them to Salt Lake City. Lucifer did not have a key to the executive washroom and when asked about it he just said, like any politician, “I’m glad you asked that question,” changed the subject and went on to star in “The Exorcist.”  


When scientists come upon this, they wave their hands in the air like they don’t care and start talking about quantum physics. But this is not the only unfathomed truth perplexing the human condition. We’ve shown that we can come up with amazing things. From fire to microwaves. But can we? Can we actually “make” something?


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ...


The Muslims just say Allah said, “Be,” and it was! We cannot create. Oh, we can rearrange atoms but we can’t make atoms. We can’t make fish and biscuits and feed all those people. Jesus did. Think about that. Take all the time you need. 


During those six days that God was “creating” all that we see and know, and a few things we can’t, he threw in time. And the rules and regulations of time help us sort things out. Even then we get it wrong. Why did God make plants before sunlight because everyone knows plants need sunlight to thrive. Had to add time in for that to work. Tree don’t know what time it is. Don’t care. Only after the condition of time is mixed in can we even begin to understand the plants, sunlight, day and night or Monday morning. 


And this not the only abstract we miss. Take numbers. So now you ask why numbers. Because numbers are an abstract. Something else God made to help us function and understand. And He made numbers a rule of the universe. But what is a number? In an of itself a number is nothing. Only the condition thereof. You can hold three apples. But can you actually hold the number “three?” Of course you can’t. You can’t because the “number” three is only an abstract in your mind trying to explain one of the conditions of the apples. Oh yeah, careful about them apples. 


We were never meant to understand time, numbers, apples, oranges or The I Am. We were meant to accept it. You can theorize all you want but you’ll never arrive at the answer to that equation. E might equal MC Square, but you can never grasp MC Circle, and that’s what you're doing when you try. Watch out for that stone! 



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