

Click for Trailer 

When Wilbur Witt (at the persuasive persistence of his “Better-Half, Pam) called me about the idea of starting a film company.  I thought…I absolutely know ABSOLUTELY…NOTHING about this business.  I said to Wilbur, “Uhhhh…I’ll really have to pray about this one and get back to you.”


Wilbur and I worked together in the 80’s on several projects…and we always had a bond when it came to how we collaborated and created music.  He is truly a literary GENIUS when it comes to his ideas and writing…so I asked the Lord, “Is this POSSIBLE?”  He replied, “All things are POSSIBLE with Me!!!”  


So I called Wilbur…and said, “Let’s do it!!!”

He gave me his idea to “Kielia” and the script blossomed on that computer screen.


Witt and Wittier Films began its journey…with God opening doors all across the four corners of this World.  Thank you, Lord, for bringing me a partner that actually BELIEVED…that with You, Lord…ALL things are possible!!!


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