And Stormy is Her Name






Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

Prostitute: noun

A person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.


Now I’m just a Simple Old Boy From Austin, but am I the only one who noticed that Stormy, or whatever her Christian name is, sold her favors to Donald Trump? Christian. Yeah that’s a good one. Please see the above definition of “prostitute.” He paid her for the first application, came back for a tip, and still “went public” when she’d spent all that money and business was a bit off. I’m not gonna asperse her talents but personally I’d prefer a hungry hitchhiker at a Flying J.


And Trump lied about it. Well, duh! Allegedly, he laundered some money to pay the woman so as to hide it. Ok guys. How many of you out there have ever went home with a ten and woke up with a two? Can I have a show of hands? You lying flock of hen-pecked bastards. Ok, ok, we’ll go with that.


The simple fact is that Trump paid her not once but twice for some worn out, porn star nookie. And he had Melania at the house! And none of those “highly respectable” New York prosecutors, or that Judge noticed they are siding up with a whore. And New York knows about whores, trust me. Please note the similarities between the word Prosecutor and Prostitute. Is there maybe a Latin base somewhere in there? Asking for a friend.


And of course, the legal eagles will tell you it’s all about the misappropriation of funds. That’s because they don’t want anybody looking in their closets. News Flash: I’ve never met a real estate broker in my life who didn’t commingle money. Frankly, I’m amazed that Trump couldn’t successfully do it and the appraisals? Again, when applying for a loan would you tell the banker that you house is a flop house for the homeless or would you

 try to convince him that George Washington spent the night with the Stormy of his day. See? There’s nothing new under the sheets . . . uh sun.


Let’s see, I’m on a roll. I just insulted two American icons. Guess what! We’ve all done it. We’ve all fallen short of the glory. Now, let’s try that show of hands again. There, that’s better.


Now, let look at some facts. I checked the constitution and could not find one bit condemning paying hush money to friends of the female variety. That would be “friends with benefits. Oh, and forget suing me “Stormy.” That’s a stage name and having never been there myself, cannot testify to the elasticity of any part of your anatomy. I could’ve been referring to a Mexican Blackbird. I mean, Trump was obsessed with the border, jus’ sayin’.


I can’t tell you how this love in is going to wind up. Because we are dealing with a bunch of Yankees that probably owe Donald money. At any given moment Her Honor may even accept hush money, tell the prosecutor to hush and throw the whole thing out of court. I mean, Trump has his ways. Or any number of outcomes could be arrived at, but, and it’s a big butt. What if Donald J. wins the election and those self-righteous judges are sitting there with their faces hanging out? That would be a donkey of a different color now wouldn’t it? You see a bunch of Democrat Federal judges go from, “No one is above the law” to “I wasn’t wid dem brothas.”


As usual, I like to end my stuff on a high note. For this one may I offer a little love song by Infant Sorrow.




I leave you with my old compadrès three rules of life:


Money buys everything

People are no damn good

If you nail two things together that have never been nailed together before, you’ll get rich!











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