His Eye is not Dimmed Nor His Natural Force Abated


The Standing of the Silent Warriors 

The Devil has two tricks he uses over and over again.  Convincing you he isn’t real, and convincing those around you that you are crazy when you realize that he is! America is in a spiritual war for its soul. That’s real. Donald Trump is in a war for America. That, too, is real. The Devil would like you to believe that I’m crazy. That is real. I am not crazy, and neither are the millions rising to stand behind all that made America great in 1776 and will make her great again in 2024 and that, too, is real my friends and those on the dark side know, and fear the return of our Savior, and that, too, is very real, and imminent!


See? That’s crazy, huh? Maintaining that Jesus is coming back is generally assumed as “crazy” by stable psychologists everywhere waving their DSM whatever version they may follow, trying to change the word pedophile to the phrase “minor attraction!” Who’s crazy now?


Crazy is relative. Want proof? Ok. Two peoples. Jews and Palestinians. Both claiming to come from a common ancestor. Abraham. Both basically the same color. Both in the same county. Not country, county. Hey! I’m from Texas. Israel is about the size of Brewster County Texas. Neither will eat a ham sandwich and both think they are chosen by God to own every Walmart on the planet. And get along like a bunch of Baptists at a Thanksgiving dinner. Now if that’s not crazy I’m not a Simple Old White Boy from Austin!


But there is more at stake here that a family squabble over property rights. Many years ago, in a land far far away there was a major dispute. You see, God, Allah, El, or whoever or whatever you may choose to call him created this conglomeration you call the universe from nothing. Nothing as opposed to what you call “something.” If you can’t perceive a fourth dimensional world with your three dimensional eyes it does not mean that it’s not real. When God created the heavens and the earth that doesn’t mean He wasn’t real it means you weren’t real until He made you real. He made you. You are finite. He is infinite. Your finite mind will never understand that. Let’s move on.


The explanation of this “real” vs “unreal” constitutes the basic of the entire human condition. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? That is the question. And what is the answer? Neither. Just as someone can lie to you, you can lie to yourself. Take it from a brother who knows. There is no better lie than justification and that lie will make you lie with just about anything and swear to God and five other old white men she was a virgin when you met her and one when she left and have I got a bridge for you! Can I have an “Amen?” I know your wife’s looking at you. Just say it.


For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The devil knows that. It is impossible to not make bad choices in a freedom of choice world. One from column “A” or two from column “B.”  Oooops! I don’t like the taco sauce, I think I’ll have the queso. I’ve had six “quesos” in my life and finally decided to go “sugar free.” Some candy ain’t for eating it’s just for looking through. Boy! Talk about digressing. Now where was I. Oh yeah. The end of the world!


The Devil’s main tactic is, “If I can’t have it nobody can!” But he’s not like a jealous lover. He loves only himself. He views us as “meat puppets.” There is no “Sympathy For the Devil.” And we can be meat puppets. We will dance on a string given opportunity and the right amount of justification and juala! SIN!


Did you catch that? That thought you just had. I said, “Sin,” and that little voice in the back of your head; you know, that one you lie about hearing, said, “Oh no! Not the ‘S’ word!” Because the word “Sin” is so “Old Testament” and we’re so far beyond “New Testament” that we can justify killing babies when we do sin!


And so we are all the way back to “crazy!” When the loyal opposition can’t defeat you with logic they just say you’re old fashioned, out of touch, or “crazy.” It all depends on how badly they want you and your opinions to be gone. Sinning’s fun! I used to to it all the time. I only stopped most of it when I got too old. That’s when girls began to call me a “gentleman.” Uh yeah. Right. But when you share your truth about yourself it does help.


Donald Trump is fighting this war right now. Is he a sinner. And how! He probably did date that slut puppy porn star. Hello! Ida hit it. And I wouldn’t have paid her no $130,000 for her time, in fact Ida stuck her for the room at the Motel 6 the next morning after I snuck out. Hey! What did you expect! I’m a Lyndon Johnson Democrat from Texas! Remember the Alamo!


Like us I don’t think Trump understood just what he was stepping off into when this whole thing began. But he understands now. I really believe in 2015 he may have got with his old cronies to devise a way to sell more hotels. Just like Vic and I wanted to sell more records and movies. No harm, no foul. None of us were on welfare. We paid our bills. But there’s that little problem from back in the day. That day before the beginning of our universe. Before time. When there was an entire history we know nothing about, but we know now and we have become a key player. And it’s fourth quarter at the two-minute warning. It doesn’t matter if it’s religion, psychology, mass hysteria, or a hit book, something is going down and only the Father knows when the game is over but when the bell sounds we either win or we lose and if we lose we have to start all over again back before the beginning of time because God doesn’t lose. He just is that he is! Waiting with His army of Silent Warriors standing ready to have our backs. And Donald’s. Guess they’re crazy too.


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