He’s Alive




Genesis 19:28

And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, 

and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.



There is no greater evil inflicted upon America greater than the destruction of all that is holy and wholesome by the LBGTQ community. The unnatural union of men is in direct contradiction with the purpose of anything near nature or the procreation of any species and ultimately leads to the moral and physical destruction of anyone or anything that practices it.


Every culture, understanding, and religion has risen against this from Greek to Muslims to the Primitive Baptist Church of Killeen Texas with good reason! To attempt to normalize this practice is to give the Devil license to pervert the very design of the human being, replacing it with the most unholy abomination conceived in the minds of men who have abandoned all reason and humanity.


As the Apostle Paul writes: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

For there is no more unnatural occurrence under the sun, and the reward is terrible. If this were not so the suicide rate among homosexuals would be more in line with the general population.

More than 60% of suicide attempts among LGBQ people happen within five years of realizing they are LGBQ

UCLA School of Law Williams Institute.



And just what “recompense” was Paul referring to? Could it be AIDS?  Something the ancients couldn’t quite put their finger on but knew better than to put anything else on it? You think?


And let’s talk politics.


Studies from several nations, including the U.S., conducted at varying time periods, have produced a statistical range of 1.2[6] to 6.8[7] percent of the adult population identifying as LGBT.


And these “people” have political influence. If that’s not the tail wagging the dog I’m not a straight white boy from Austin. And it doesn’t stop there. From public schools to your local library the culture of the Alphabet People holds sway over everything from law to the very language itself. Proper pronouns? A bizarre world where a spade is not a spade, it’s a rainbow. Presented to preschool children by what used to be a clown but is now a “Drag Queen,” with the implied promise that they too can be a rump ranger. Just have mommy fill out the card your teacher sent home. Some countries throw these fairies off the tops of tall buildings to see if they can fly!



And oh, the sentimental stories of the poor gay uncle dying from the results of a completely depraved lifestyle while his nieces and nephews wring handkerchiefs, praying for a healing from Jesus. Excuse me?  I’m overwhelmed with emotion.


But what did Jesus actually say concerning the perversion of children? Oh yes:


 it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


That pretty well sums it up, doesn’t it? Oh, some gay theologian (What an oxymoron) will twist and try to put the spin on it, but a millstone is a millstone, and the Titanic is waiting!


So, what to do? Just stop it! Don’t hide. Don’t concede. Don’t hope it will all just go away. It won’t and we will lose everything. And the Chinese are waiting. And the Russians, and the KKK, even the Mexicans. We are now the odd men out, and the world is laughing at us. When your kid comes home with that gender selection card don’t walk, run to the school and let them know what you really think. Then vote the school board that allowed that abomination before God OUT! And don’t try to reason with your kids when they tell you to ignore their trans-attitude and just “love” them.




Know that   N there is a God, and He, that’s right, “He” is not mocked. He’s alive and He hasn’t run out of fire and brimstone and the citizens of Sodom are still there and they are still burning!

He’s Alive!



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