Jesus is a Mighty force of GOOD


Hebrews 1:3

He (the Lord of Lords, the King of all Kings…and the Savior of the World) is the RADIANCE of the Glory of God and the EXACT imprint of His (divine) nature, and He upholds the universe by the Word of His POWER.  After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on HIGH.

When the World has but a glimpse of Who Jesus is…they can only interpret the true NATURE of Who Jesus really is.  They look at the timid pictures hung among the art of museums and Churches that depict a timid, unauthentic man’s man…a person who appears weak and passive to confront a threat.  This was a feeble attempt by the Devil, himself to portray the exact OPPOSITE of who Jesus really is.

Jesus called the Religious Leaders…hypocrites to their faces.  He turned over tables outside of the Temple…then chased the “Money Changers” out with a whip.  He confronted many who were infected with demons and dominated them with His POWER…simply saying, “Come out!!!”

Yes!!! My Jesus is a Mighty force of GOOD…clearing a path throughout the darkness with His Marvelous LIGHT of TRUTH, HOPE, LOVE…and LIFE Eternal!!!

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!



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