And let us NOT grow weary


Galatians 6:9

And let us NOT grow weary of doing GOOD (for the things of God’s Kingdom), for in “Due Season” we will reap, if we do NOT Give-Up.

Have you ever witnessed a Miracle before?  Some of us have seen with our very own eyes someone miraculously HEALED after a simple prayer.  Others have had a plethora of “NEAR MISSES” in life from potential accidents, storms, dangerous places…and most of the World watched a MIRACLE unfold as a supersonic bullet had streaked passed by the very moment when God had a President turn his head so that the bullet would only GRAZE his ear.  

Can you just imagine the disappointment and cursing that was shouted all through the darkness, media, some on the opposing party…when the President was SAVED?  Don’t believe me read some of the messages that were written across this dark World.

Bottom line here this morning.  NEVER Give-Up on our Most Awesome God…because He’ll NEVER Give-Up on YOU.  Stay consistent in His ways…just like the President…He’s not finished with you yet.

Have a BLESSED Tuesday Y’all!!!



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