You Are Our Children


How’d you like a little death to add life to your party? There’s a new kid on the block. Fentanyl.  Back in the day James Brown lamented “King Heroin.” Fentanyl is the new Kool Aid. Jim Jones Kool Aid! Why in the world would anyone wanna invent something like that is beyond me. Hitler could have saved all that money on Zyklon B if He’d had fentanyl! A little dab’ll do ya? Try 1/500th of a dab!


Now I know you kids out there are thinking I’m just an old “Fuddy Duddy,” but let me educate you. I’ve been in entertainment since 1969. Do the math. From Austin to Nashville, and I have been there, done that. In addition to that I was crushed between two cars in 1970 and had a legal, non-stop source of pain medication for years. My morning ritual was two Darvon 65s and a couple placidyl to set ‘em off. When they all hit my nose would bleed, I’d wash my face and stumble down the stairs to meet the day . . . in NASHVILLE! Not some school yard pretending you’re a “gangsta!”


Now let’s talk about whiskey. Do that math again. 2024-1969= (I’ve drank more whiskey than you tender virgins have ever seen!) That morning cocktail I mentioned up above? I washed it down with a double shot of Jim Beam! And still wrote 3,000 songs, five books, and thousands of articles. You can’t do that! You’d be lucky to write your name. One medication bottle of fentanyl has more killing power that all I’ve done in my entire life! And you are risking your life trusting the ability of some guy in Mexico measuring the proper dose of this stuff that was manufactured by some Chinaman in Beijing! God bless America!


And where is it? Everywhere! The Killeen Police Department says if your dope, and yes that includes marijuana, was bought on the street you should assume it contains fentanyl! Most people in Killeen dodge tap water because in the summer it smells bad and you’re smoking what? When I come across a dumb girl I ask where all those girls were when I was in high school. I know where they are now. They’re down on Root Street smoking fentanyl. Get ‘em while they’re warm boys!


The Mexicans ship this stuff up here to make money. Just trying to make some pesos. But, the Chinese make fentanyl to undermine western civilization. You kids, curtesy of the Plandemic, are already two bubbles short of plumb. I got five grandchildren here and they’re dumber than a box of rocks. Enter fentanyl.


There is nothing wrong enjoying life. There is nothing wrong with a little party. But, as Brother Willie tells us it’s time to turn out the lights . . . the party’s over! There’s a fine line between sin and stupidity. Sin is where you shouldn’t but you do anyway. You have Jesus for that. Stupidity is where you let a bunch of foreigners try to arrange the meeting for you. You are our children. Wanna know what Jesus thinks of these people who are killing you? Better for them that a millstone were tied to their neck and that they were thrown into the depths of the sea! You are our children. You are our future.


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