The Light of the World

Picture Jason put up on Facebook When you were growing up, I noticed you. Without enumerating all your attributes, I will say that I can find no appreciable difference from that kid I saw back then and the man I see today. You epitomize Christ. You have pointed out the flaws in social media in a very direct way. A picture of a bald eagle bowing its head in prayer for America doesn’t hurt anyone! And your decision not to back down is absolutely correct! Facebook warning about his content Most Americans are good, hardworking family people who only want to live, and let live. Texas is front and center in this belief. That’s why it is the fastest growing state in the Union. But everyone does not feel that way. Live and let live, don’t impose. God made man. He made Cadillacs, but there are a few Studebakers out there. And they come in rainbow colors. Doctors and research scientists constantly find some “new” and fascinating design in creation that they herald a...