The Yellow Submarine


This is going to be the most politically incorrect article you’ve ever read so if your’re woke, stoked, or broke it might be best to just go to your safe place right now and live in your Yellow Submarine!

 Normally I can write right off the top of my head. Political reality is no problem for me. Let me add that politics have not changed since Grog knocked Uhg in the head and dragged his wife away by her hair! Them that’s gots gets, and everybody wants to get next to a happening guy!



Now, here comes the politically incorrect part.

In a world filled with forbidden words and pronouns, temporary theories will surface for a while, but the rules cited above will always be consistent. And will return with a vengeance.  Minorities will use loopholes in the law to dominate the majority. All men are created equal ignores the social truth that some men are more equal than others. That’s why Putin hangs out at the Kremlin while the general population lives in the projects. That’s why you aren’t allowed a gun to defend your family in your house while the Secret Service clears the McDonalds so Trump can have a Big Mac. Or so that Ashley and Hunter can go shopping  Change my mind!


The strata of society are always there! 

There are many papers, studies, and conspiracy theories trying to identify organizations exposing this. Shadow governments, Illuminati,QAnon, or Deep State, call them what you will. Time for the math lesson for the day. According to recent estimates the percentage of white people in the world is roughly 9%. That leaves 91% of also rans, and they have to bunch up to even come up with that. There are consistent studies coming out saying that birth numbers among whites are going down. Ok! 9% and still running the world. British Empire, Roman Empire, even the Russian Empire . . .  CRACKERS! And not Ritz! Plain ole Crackers.


And you may call me a racist because I can count. 

Black may be beautiful and tan may be grand, but white is the color of the big boss man. I wish it wasn’t so. I wish that we all were the same. I wish that we all had an equal start in life. I wish rain was beer. But it’s not! And you can see yourself as anything but everybody else sees you for what you are. Sometime between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago blue eyes suddenly appeared. Blue eyes have never dominated the earth’s population. But dominated the earth. For all of you who pray to the demigod of evolution, pray to that.


I told you from the start that this was going to be a hard pill to swallow. I’m just giving you math. There are those who want reparations for slavery in America. Who do you think freed the slaves? Kunta Kenté? Who signed the  Civil Rights Act of 1964? Barack Obama?


Do we have problems? Yes! Are we going anywhere soon? No! Could you run the world if we did? No! Is human nature going to change? No! Are the political rules going to change? Absolutely not! The reason for the harshness of the start of this article was to condition you for what’s coming.

Eight years of polka dots and pink shoelaces

Sometimes those old school ways are overlapped temporarily to allow for so-called “Public Opinion” to take precedence. Obama was one such event. After the George Bush fiasco a bit of readjustment was in order. So, the choice was easy. One from Column A or the same old thing from Column B. The first run the Republicans ran a war hero who was about as close to Joe Biden as you could get and for 2012 they picked, wait for it . . . a Mormon. Please bear in mind the Masons shot the last Mormon contender for the White House out of a jailhouse window but who’s counting, right? The Democrats wanted a minority president. Well, they were half right. After eight years of polka dots and pink shoelaces and rainbow lights on the White House the Republicans caught their second wind and found a candidate to end all candidates. Donald Trump yo’ Ass!


Now here’s the political reality. 

Hillary Clinton took 2.9 million more votes than Donald Trump. But he won! Now why do you think that happened? Well, officially the Electoral College stacked up more “electoral votes” for Trump. The real reason was after eight years of Obama the country couldn’t stand any more. She was a Liberal Democrat Woman! Right Guard is under lock and key at the store and don’t walk on the sidewalks in the park. Boy! That hurt didn’t it? Where’s that bicycle seat?


Ring the Bell! School’s In!

A friend keeps asking me if Trump is going to win the upcoming election? In days gone by a woman would not even be running. This woman changed her skin to skim votes. Went from Blackfeet  to just plain black. Now personally I think we might need an Apache in the White House. But, old school: it’s not time for a black woman president. In addition to that she’s from California, and we know how THEY are!


Naturally the Democrats jumped on this with all four feet. And she fills three politically correct slots. Asian, black and Native American. She covers every pronoun in Webster’s. So they go into the street and ask Hoshi, Shania, and Cochise who they think will win the election and son of a bitch! President Kamala, of course.

—>  Polls do not predict election results

Remember that I told you polls do not predict election results. They try to influence votes. Everybody wants to get next to a happening guy. So, make Harris happen! She’s everywhere at once. She’s gonna put a ceiling on food prices, and on the second amendment and on anything else that will perpetuate her view of America in the 21st century. She will serve one term and if we can find gas to get to the polls a ham sandwich will win in 2028! That’s that political pendulum I keep telling you about. This party girl is not presidential material.


Can she win?

If enough Democrats are resurrected, yes. It can happen. Will it be the end of the country? No. But it will be a lesson. It will show you what can happen when you’re talking and not looking.  It will force the American People to return to their roots, no matter how mad this article made them. Live the American ideals. Stay the course. Get out of that Yellow Submarine.

To Serve Man


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