I Am NOT Pro Choice


I am NOT “Pro-Choice!” That needed to be said because absolutes are, well, absolute. Pro-choice to me brings up the woman who gets pregnant in the bedroom of a double wide trailer at a party with someone she just met, and she decides to kill the baby because being pregnant would impede her party life. And forget her manufactured “health concerns.” Her privates were working just fine at Globe Mobile City that night when “Pro-Choice” became an option for her!


Forget “Church and State” on this issue. Notice how that wiggled its way into this debate? The simple fact is an elected official brings his/her moral code, or lack thereof to the table. You cannot sterilize the human part of the equation. This involves something else. If you take a Senate Committee with, say anywhere from ten to thirty members and they are considering women’s rights, just ask them the average size of the human vagina you will get ten to thirty different answers. Like a lost and found in a border town, asking about a diamond ring. What the hell do they know about a teenage girl bleeding out in an emergency room? A situation where the doctor must diagnose the emergency, make a snap decision because the girl is running out of gas fast, and act. And now, courtesy of the Not so Supreme Court he, and the corpse to be must worry about life without parole!


A so-called fetus, zygote, wad of cells or possible future President of the United States is a viable entity, also known as a human being. I find it amazing that if we should find a slight imprint of a bacterium under a rock on Mars that scientists will proclaim that they have found “life,” but that “fetus” is not life until it gets a Social Security Card! Follow the money. And while you’re doing that ask yourself why every bank has an armed guard somewhere while teachers aren’t allowed to carry guns. Think about that. Take all the time you need.


I don’t believe in performing an abortion because a doctor says the pre-born child has a chance of Downs Syndrome. I do agree that no brain is a no brainer. But these are medical decisions made by medical personnel. The doctor in the ER does not need to have to save a fourteen-year-old girl who just “Flat lined” with Uncle Sammy looking over his or her shoulder.


I don’t believe in abortions for convenience sake. You gave up eighteen years of your life when you dropped your drawers, honey! Rape is the one instance left for the government in the form of the court to rule on. But while admitting that a pregnant rape victim is tragic and a perfectly healthy baby getting their arms torn off and skull crushed is a bit much. “Der Jews are ze enimi!” See how that works?


Into every life a little rain must fall. You don’t have to stand in it. Rowe v Wade gave us  63,459,781abortions since it went into effect in 1973. On that day the average size of the American Family was 3.48 people. The mean age that women born on that day would give birth was 24 years. Add 24 to 1973 and you get 1997. Rowe was repealed in 2022. So that gives us about 25 years of possible gestation, give or take. The give in each successive years from 1997 to 2022 that women born ’74, ’75, ’76 and so on reach the average age of birthing the possible births grow exponentially.  For the sake of argument just assume that all those possible birthers born during subsequent years just became nuns and never got pregnant, party or otherwise and if we don’t count  those future borns to the total and it still gives us roughly 190,377,000 future Americans who had no future. That’s the size of Brazil, folks! That is why I say Rowe v Wade is proof that God is out of fire and brimstone.


Each state has a slightly different moral code. Utah and California is a perfect dichotomy. There is no possible way a happy middle ground can be found in some kind of “national standard” concerning what a doctor should do at a critical moment. And even states should let the doctors be doctors and the politicians be rich. No more “convenience” abortions! You don’t want that baby I will assure you there’s a mommy waiting who will be happy to be the woman you can’t.


I personally believe God is repaying America for the evil we’ve done concerning this issue. And we are all to blame. We let this happen and there are big, tough men still pussy footing around this issue. Excuse the pun. God forgives. Will the 190,377,000?





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