The Proof is in the Pudding



The proof is in the pudding. With Arizona Trump has now swung through the Swing States like Tarzan on a vine! If you can’t see that the Democrats didn’t have something to do with the vote count in 2020 you need to smoke less marijuana.


God moves in mysterious ways. He took Israel and gave them a scenic tour of  Babylon to show them what it was like to live with a bunch of Yankees and he took America and let them see the Democrat world view, and last Tuesday, in your sight, you saw America pull its head out of Mr. Ass, turn on a dime, go to the voting booth and serve up a dung pie to Kamala Harris and her sexually confused constituents in what appears to be one of, if not THE biggest landslide since the Republicans freed the slaves. Can I have an “Amen?”


When you shoot a deer it will run a ways, fall over, and kick on the ground for a while. Tuesday you heard the shot heard around the world, Wednesday morning you saw anyone idiotic enough to vote for a pole dancer run for their safe place, and they’re just about done kicking as of this morning. Trophies anyone?



The very idea that Donald Trump had to sit for a mugshot because some Jack a Lope Trumped up some charges about crap found in his bathroom is an abomination. Then they shot his ear off. Didn’t do them no good. God gave him two. And the polls! I hope you people, that’s right, I just said “You People” learned something about polls. Polls are conducted by asking registered voters who they may vote for IF they vote and then some number cruncher figures up what the numbers mean, turn that over to some cackle babble head in a box who feeds it to a bunch of lemmings who clap their flippers like a bunch of seals eating a free fish. And you believed it! Tight race? It was. Trump had it down pretty tight.


I sat back this time with my prediction because I seen all the dumpster fires during the last election and you’re not paranoid if they’re really after you and the Dummycrats were on the hunt! Trump snuck up on them in 2016 and you gotta give them credit, Democrats lie and steal real good. I’m being blunt here because I’m rolling in this like a dog in a dead armadillo. Trump said, “Grab ‘em by the No No!” The Democrats put a dementia patient in office that DID grab little girls. On CAMERA! Do you know how many years I’d get in Texas if I was ever caught letting a little girl rub my legs in a swimming pool? Jesus Christ sitting by God Almighty waiting on me to show up naked. And I’d show up right after I reported to prison because Homie don’t play that.

And it wasn’t just Trump. They took off after Ted Cruz like a bunch of wild dogs. New York sent a posse down like we ain’t never seen. And what did they run against him? Colin Allred. Poetic. All RED, get it?  Well, he played football for Baylor. That’s good. He had kids. But that DemoVirus had to come out. He loved to kill unborn babies, wanted to put tampons in the boy’s restrooms, and wanted government funded sex changes for soldiers, but he WAS black and they played that race card so they threw money at a wild hog’s ass and Ted took them to the bank. It’s all over now and it sho’ is Sunday!


Trump will not be able to undo all of the absolute evil the Democrats perpetrated upon the American people during the last four years, but it’ll be a good start. The Dems kept comparing him to Hitler. They’d better hope he’s not because he really has a bucket list and he ain’t bobbing for apples. And the nations of the world need to take note. Mind your own business and we’ll mind ours and you better hope you’re not on our little list because none of you will be missed!

Click For “In America”






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