Democrat is the New Black


Democrat is the new black. A National descent that began with Obama came to a screeching halt. The degradation of the American character along with a morality that would make Nero blush with shame ended with the blink of an eye with the ascent of President Donald J Trump to the top of the Pulpit of leadership. As Los Angeles crumbled to the ground and millions of documented and undocumented “guests,” prepared to return to the not so loving embrace of their country of origin, history took a breath and it appears that God HAS indeed blessed America one more time.

This has been coming for a long time and it’s gonna be hard! And it should be! Complacentcy got us here and it can’t get us out. Most Americans are good Christian people. Most Americans just want to get from one day to the next, pay their bills and die in a warm bed. If family is there that would be nice. If they aren’t we basically die alone anyway. The bizzaro world of the democrats has been so illogical that it defies belief. Pronouns? Motherfreaking PRONOUNS? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


We have been forced to stand by, and watch drag queens drag little children across their lap in public libraries. Elected officials proudly bragging about their sexual perversions and little girls lining up for their abortions their parents are not allowed to know about. And the 2020 election WAS manipulated. A man hiding in his basement with obvious dementia won. A man with less brains than John F Kennedy had after the third shot. And ex-presidents avoiding the inauguration? Foods free. What’s stuck in their craw?


The Democrats haven’t been this mad since the Republicans freed the slaves. And it extends to the international front. Putin is still threatening World War III and I thought Israel was God’s chosen people but they’re still trying to beat a strip of land about the size of Six Flags. Well, it’s all over now and January 20th sure is Monday.

The world hates us. Oh, they love our money, but they’ve had the ass since 1776. Why? Because their high flung ideas of government have never worked. You hear about wonderful Switzerland or fantastic France but it’s all the same old cow flop. Sure, there’s free medical if you can be seen. America is the great mixing pot while “those” people are still tribes. With all the trimmings. The Middle East is not the “Cradle of Civilization” it’s just a desert with a bunch of religious nuts of various brands screwing each other in the butt. Europe is just an appendix of Russia.
We have hopefully learned our lesson. It’s us vs them. And we are better. We truly are “Of the People.” The international attack on America is the subversion of that. They perverted the two-party system by playing to the lower elements of a weak and dying Democrat Party. And it’s not Democratic. It’s Democrat. America is not a democratic country. It is a constitutional republic. Of the, By the, and For the people.


And they hate us for it. The Revolutionary War brought forth a revolutionary idea. No person, or family line is ordained by God nor has any ingrained ability to lead, direct, or even advise the rights or destiny of anyone. That is the very essence of “Of the People!” There is one King, and He gives free will. We must never forget these days. We must be ever vigilant. They are always there. They are always waiting. We must always be aware.


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