Stupid is As Stupid Does (Redo)


Stupid is as stupid does. I can’t put the blame for this mental condition on any one group or generation other than stating that I do not believe it to be a product of those of my era, ie, Baby Boomers. We were more down to earth, that earth being places like Saigon, Kent State, and Haight Ashbury. No, this mental condition, which I call Bat Shititus is a type of mental illness brought on by the lack of education combined with the reconditioning from social media and what used to be news services and a cleansing of history.


And the attention span among the Z Generation is about as the capacity of a fruit fly. Combine that with the Millennials, the not so anonymous alcoholics, thank you Doctor Fauci and whatever is in the oven hoping to survive abortion and you don’t have to look far to hear the daily cry of the masses, yearning to be free, “It’s the end of the country!”


You see, if CNN, FOX, and let us not forget “Influencers,” those failed writers, jugglers and former pimps and a host of others that couldn’t get a deal, resorting to X, YouTube, Instagram and began Tiking and Toking with the authority of a savage rabbit telling anyone with WIFI that is the end of the country. And what is the disaster looming over our heads this morning?


After securing all three branches of the government for at least the next two years the Republicans decided to descend into a bitch fight and fire the Speaker of the House! As bad as I hate to admit it where is Lyndon Johnson when we need him? And the wisdom of those in Congress that never finished high school, apparently, is if these nincompoops oust the Speaker then Trump can’t be sworn in and the country will be Presidentless, and Congressless, which in and of itself is not a bad idea so save your Confederate money boys, and putting us in the oh so familiar “End of the country!” And how do we know this to be true? It was on Facebook!


I’m making the image on this the shot of Lyndon being sworn in aboard Air Force One by a divorce judge while Kennedy was cooling off in the luggage compartment below. Those who have eyes, let them see. Now combine this with some march that I can’t seem to find on my server anywhere that apparently was in New York causing the government to blink and stall last night by drumming up those tired old charges that the President Elect grabbed some whore by her “No No.” He probably did but with all this other craziness who cares? The ladies on The View are all mad because nobody’s grabbed their No No. Wait! They ARE all girls, right? I mean you gotta be careful these days.


Ok, calm down and listen. There will be an inauguration. And no, Biden can’t extend his presidency and no, Cumala’s contract runs out on January 20 at noon. But it is not the end of the country. If California can rock on the rest of the country should be alright. But folks, you can’t fix stupid. You have to wait for it to die off. Cheer up. I just saw on TikTok that we’re about to annex Canada. The Mexicans sure gonna be pissed off about that. I gotta go. Taylor Swift is taking me to dinner, and if you believe that have I got a bridge for you and it’s on sale. But hell, you believe everything else.

Click Image For Damn Shame


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