Hell Hath No Fury
From Mariah Lee Gardner
It’s been 10 months. In an hour, 10 months ago, they would have finally called “time of death”. I imagine that Willow was in recovery next to Rosalie…moments away from going into cardiac arrest. She had already fought for 5 long hours. Her body just couldn’t take anymore. The doctors would call the “code blue” and then attempt chest compressions. They would inject her with a cocktail of drugs until opening her chest to manually massage her heart was the only other option. My baby’s heart was literally in their hands. To no avail, despite every effort, the damage her father did to her was too much for modern medicine to overcome. Willow Grace went to be with Jesus. Rosalie would never see her baby sister again.
Tonight was the first time Rosalie has asked to sleep with a picture of Willow. She has talked about her every day this week. I can’t express what I would endure to take away her pain. She should have never been forced to be this strong. She shouldn’t have to understand the devastation of such a great loss at her age. Death is unequivocally inescapable for all people, but senseless death, like in Willows case, undermines everything I’ve ever believed or known. 10 months and I still can’t understand. Most days I pray that the justice system utilizes every resource to ensure that justice is served, but today I pray that he slips in his cell and breaks his own neck. Hell would be a sufficient reparation plan for a monster like him.
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