They’re Here, They’re There, They’re Everywhere; So BEWARE!
Our Texas Representatives in the House and the Senate have lost their minds. Senator Middleton as introduced Senate Bill 404. In that Bill it tells us that our local governments, can only invest money in investment pools under the control of the State Comptroller.
It gives the local government X amount of time to divest from any investments they are currently invested in and make it mandatory they reinvest in only the State approved investment in their particular pool.
This is a gross overreach by the State Government into our local county and city governments. They should not be able to tells us how and where we can invest our money, our tax dollars at the City and County levels. They should not be able to tell us, we can only invest our money with their approved investment pool. It sounds like somebody somewhere is lining their pockets by forcing our local and city governments to invest in their investment firms. This Bill goes into effect September 1, 2025. Our lawmakers have literally lost their minds. These people think they are gods, they no longer fear the people and they are proving it to us more and more every day.
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