Would You Like To See My Puppy Little Girl?
From: Bob Bob
I have a powerful missionary testimonial to share showing what being an LDS missionary is all about. Please read and awaken to pure truthfulness.
My good friend Ruby, an LDS sister who lives in the Philippines in a small poor village in the province says these young Mormon missionary boys (always in pairs and, of course American missionaries) often march into the surrounding villages unwelcome and aggressive. There are many many cases where these pairs cornered young girls alone out of the home and brutally molested these hard working girls as young as eight years old. With the missionary boys are finished they leave the frightened girl in a flooded ditch as she is broken, bloody, soaked, and dirty from being shoved to the dirt. As the pair marches off in the name of the LORD, their heads high clutching the BOM there lays the poor girl on the side of the road alive and shaking but under the protection of God’s grace to fight against the evil. None of these boys are what they represent. The local authorities here do nothing because they are bribed.
It's no wonder that the these disgusting missionaries always want to go to poor countries like the Philippines as these young girls are plentiful and easy prey for these weak missionaries
And before I’m accused of picking on just the one bunch click above to see how there are MANY blessings being passed around
And this I'm sure this is going on in other poor countries as the girls there are helpless and easy prey especially since these missionary boys always travel in pairs and can easily tag team the poor girl!
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