But I Got High
Zelenskyy. Let that soak in for a minute. On the surface the war in Ukraine has Hollywood all over it. Happy little country with pretty blonde girls skipping through the meadow singing The Sound of Music. And the big bad wolf comes to the door. He says he’s gonna huff and puff and blow your house up.
Oh my! What to do? Why don’t you rise up in righteous indignation and stomp off to find that ass-whipping. For the life of me I cannot figure out why this altercation lasted longer than fifteen minutes. That’s how long it would take to drive across Ukraine and take over Kyiv. So why didn’t that happen? If you really believe Zelenskyy was a threat to Putin the next time you have a thought . . . just let it go.
What happened was the world press developed a story line that those of my generation saw long ago saying the fall of some nondescript country would instigate World War Three and thus usher in the fall of mankind and the end of all civilization. Well, California already did that and nobody cared. So, instead, Putin pussy-footed rather than putting Zelenskyy’s scalp in front of his lodge. That’s not like him. Remember that general about two years ago who actually invaded Russia with some biker gang and made it, what, within twenty-five miles of Moscow? Putin made like he was scared and hiding and made peace with General Mo-Vodka. Then convinced him to go home in Saint Petersburg. His private jet got all the way to cruising altitude before there was a problem with the fuel. I understand they found most of his teeth. I guess his wife got them.
Well, boys and girls, that’s how Putin does business! Ra Ra Raputine, mess with him you won’t be seen. So why is Zelenskyy still pushing war instead of pushing up home grown tomatoes? Putin is not Stalin. A Khrushchev. He is the new, improved Fearless Leader. NATO is as useless as the teats on a boar hog. It was dreamed up in case Hitler ever came back. Hitler is on a South Pacific island working on an album with John Lennon and Elvis. Hey! Ya’ll believe everything you see on Facebook! Ok, where was I. Oh yeah, back in the USSR.
Zelenskyy was kept up from all that cash Biden was shooting him because his number one son was making a killing in the pharmaceutical business. Putin knew this and knew that a real war might involve the United States and could, indeed escalate up the the big Three! So he avoided using the force required to run these pedophilic meth cooks out of town. Oh, he drew lines in the sand, and he drew them, and he drew them until he had blisters on his fingers. All the time hoping against hope that by some miracle Trump would return. Well, he did. And yesterday was the proof in the pudding.
Here comes Zelenskyy. Plain clothes, scraggy beard, and a shopping list that would make HEB proud. He needed more money to buy more mansions. Oh, and munitions to wave at Putin. And he sucks in a breath and basically tells Trump the the two oceans on either side of America will not protect it. So here’s this gypsy telling the President, Vice President, a room full of reporters, one that he himself brought claiming it was security for him when in reality it was to wave his own flag when he got home, and all the ships at sea needed to take a number! Whereupon Trump and Vance each grabbed a leg, pulled, and made a wish, symbolically of course. When Trump threw him out of the White House the cameras didn’t show his face because is didn’t fit right after he had it handed to him.
Now let’s look at the psychology of this event. Zelenskyy was trying to cut a deal to sell us something called “Rare Earth.” I suppose that’s where Hunter used to grow poppies. It was at a discount, of course, but the deal would keep the cash flow flowing. In order to dig up Rare Earth he was gonna need security to keep Putin off his ass. We old geezers have seen this before. Security, police action, Tonkin Gulf, American Troops, Vietnam. Yeah. That!
So, according to the John Wayne of Ukrainia there would be Russian and American troops going toe to toe at the border while Zelle Boy continues to live the life he’d like to become accustomed to. Trump looked at him as if he’d just caught one of his granddaughters on a date with Diddy, and Vance proceeded to give him a colonoscopy because it was becoming obvious he was full of something and it wasn’t Borscht!
So, where’s the psychology? Trump is a Baby Boomer. He, as we all did, watched American boys go to war to support Bell Helicopter. We saw a never ending sausage grinder sending us to Saigon for our senior trip. And it was perpetrated by the same lies Zelenskyy was in town to sell and Trump and Vance were not going to do a repeat performance for Generation Alpha! We, of the World War II era did not opt to give them World War III.
So, you kids, this summer when you are enjoying life, liberty, and the pursuit of whomever he or she may see themselves as, drop by the Vietnam wall, knell, and give thanks that your names will never have be on a wall like that. You’re welcome!
We thought they were fighting navel ports, nuclear plants, oil fields and now poppy fields, LOL?!!