Be Ready


Matthew 24:42

Therefore, stay AWAKE (Spiritually), for you do NOT know on what DAY your Lord is COMING.

Time to WAKE-UP…all of you who BELIEVE in the Mighty God of Heaven…and are steadfast FOLLOWERS of the King of Glory, Jesus!!!  Bible Prophecy is unfolding right before your eyes.  

Want a few clues that just might SLAP you AWAKE?  How bout when Apostle John had that Revelation about the two HUNDRED million PERSON (trying to be politically correct here) army that would invade and KILL a third of mankind?

Revelation 9:16-18

The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand.  I heard their number.

How could there be a 200 million numbered Army?  How bout if Russia joined China and combined their armies?  Wait a minute…they just recently made an agreement to do just that.  Well, it was written in the Scriptures that the Mighty Euphrates River would have to dry up first to allow these forces to easily cross over…oops…that just HAPPENED as well!!!

Revelation 16:12

The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was DRIED-UP, to prepare the way for the Kings from the EAST.

Nap time is OVER!!!  Get-Up…Pray-Up…because we are ALL about to Go-Up!!!

Have a BLESSED Saturday Y’all!!!



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