Fishes and Loaves


Hebrews 11:6

And without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him, for WHOEVER would draw near to God must BELIEVE that He EXISTS and that He REWARDS those who SEEK Him.

Do you realize that there are a great number of Folks out there (and yes this includes a large group of even Church goers) who place more emphasis on good ole St. Nicholas…AKA…Santa Clause during the most celebrated season of the year…Christmas…than on the “Reason for the Season”…the birth of Jesus?  You’ll find that Jolly Elf dressed in his red suit and wearing his iconic beard plastered all across the World on billboards, post cards, TV commercials, sidewalks ringing a bell…and even taught children that if they were good little boys and girls…Santa Clause would magically appear at night and leave them presents under the tree.  

Who do you think these children had more FAITH in BELIEVING?  The Mighty God of Heaven?  Or…a rosy-cheeked individual capable of visiting EVERY home on the planet in just ONE night with his bag of gifts?  Oh…let’s not forget that he’s making this global escapade from the comfort of his sleigh…while being pulled by a team of flying reindeers.  Well…to answer my question…our children have more FAITH in Santa Clause.  Why?  Because we have taught them to BELIEVE in him…and his far away Kingdom of the North Pole.  Am I wrong?

How would you feel if it’s YOUR birthday…and you thought your family was going to throw you a surprise birthday party.  You walk into the room and some guy is blowing out the candles on YOUR cake.  Everyone in the room starts singing, “Happy Birthday” to this stranger…wasn’t this supposed to be your day?  I think I’ll bake a cake this coming December 25th…and let Jesus blow out the candles as I sing, “Happy Birthday”…to the King of Kings…Lord of ALL Lords…and the Savior of this World.

Have a BLESSED Thursday Y’all!!!



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