
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Ephesians 2:10 For we (who are BELIEVERS in the Mighty God of Heaven) are His workmanship, Created in Christ Jesus for GOOD works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Do you realize that EVERY person on this planet has the perfect plan for their life embedded within them by God?  He masterfully designed each and every step that we should take…as we traveled down the narrow pathway that leads to our Heavenly Father’s plan for our life…finding Jesus and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, for millions of individuals…they have stepped off God’s pathway that is paved with His TRUTH, POWER, HOPE, LOVE…and the only road that leads to Heaven…Jesus.  They chose to jump on a road filled with potholes, roadblocks…that eventually ends up leading them off a cliff…where they free-fall into a place where there is no hope of rescue…or, an opportunity of Salvation at that crucial moment. Are you a  FOLLOWER of the King of Kings, the Lord of ALL Lords…and the

Before God turns off the lights

    God made man, man made religion, and religion made theology!  Loosely defined, theology is the understanding of Theo, which is loosely defined as God, a God, or many Gods. That is that attempt to understand something you have previously defined as beyond all understanding. And it that doesn’t define crazy I’m not a white boy from Austin.    The usual path to this understanding is some holy book, arbitrarily defined as scripture. And scripture can be a “holy” work, the “Holy Bible,” “Holy Qu’ran” “Holy Book of Morman,” or anything deemed to have been given by “holy” inspiration to men by some psychological means not fully understood by the minds of men. The Karma Sutra cannot be holy because it involves women to an unsettling degree, and if there’s one thing that will make a holy man unholy it’s an unholy woman. The usual remedy for an unholy woman is to have her stoned. In Biblical times the offending woman was stoned after the act and in the modern era they are typically stoned be

Since you Left Mommy

  Submitted by John LecKrone Her Sweet Willow,   Today is the same day that I took you to the doctor to get your 4 month shots.Before we left to go to the doctor I remember taking a picture of you in your green seat as you sat on the counter and watched me cook.It was a normal day.Your appointment was later in the afternoon.This would be the last picture that I would have of you normal. Before we left to go to the doctor you were your normal self.Smiling so beautifully!    I didn’t know that my decision I made this day to take you to the doctor would justify your fate.You were so happy as we left the house.I remember looking in the rear view mirror and watching you play with your toys in your car seat as you smiled so sweetly!As we arrived to the doctor you were weighed.My heart felt happy when the nurse said you were 18 pounds!🥰Growing so perfectly!We were sent back to the waiting room to wait for your name to be called .Moments later we were led to the back.I wont ever forget that r

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

  Kielia is up and running worldwide. Writer’s strike is ending. Welcome back guys, and thanks for sitting out the summer and letting Austin finish our movies. Ever heard that today’s news is tomorrow’s fish paper? Don’t understand that? Ok, what was the name of that warlord Putin shot out of the sky? GOTCHA!  Personally, I’m doing great. I’ve been taking Indian herbs for a while now and my vision is not dimmed or my natural force is unabated. We went through the DNA thing this summer which is the modern version of “WHO’s Yo’ Daddy.” Some affirmations, some surprises. Puck’s linage was no surprise. Her biological father turned out to be 99.99999% her daddy. And he’s a great guy! Only one time did Jackie ever tell the truth in her life and her insistence that he was Puck’s dad was because she was loyal once, or he got lucky and hit it at the right time of the day. I have two sons. I know Wilbur’s mine because he’s cursed with my face, but Timmy, not so much. We would have gotten Timmy’s


  Micro racism is the standard. Hear me out!  Groups that are grouped no matter how similar they may appear on the outside, will develop and express the differences they have in a way that diminishes the micro subgroup to the  amusement of the larger group. This is standard in all regions of earth and makes the transition to the global scale with ease which tends to unite regions that would normally pick on their own people.  If we consider this behavior is universally true throughout all of humanity, we could assmue that it is a natural function of correcting society. It is natural for people to want to advance their group, a self interest in efficiency and longevity survival plan. When it is neighborly it can serve as good advice and a helping hand. Across borders it can be criticizing laws and practices.  Racism is not the same as discrimination. A person can be racist and still work with you. A hateful person would rather die than get help from you. Hateful people may be racist, bu

Do You Believe in Mother?

  In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?” The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.” The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.” The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.” The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has

The Unanswered Door

  NewBaby positioned the panel on the closet wall. Three staples, and it was secure.  Then another, and another until the little room was covered in all new wood. Then, the carpet. Seaming it into the bedroom carpet, it looked as one piece.    Now for the latch. Retrieving his deceased fathers’s drill, he meticulously drilled four tiny holes.  The latch had to be perfectly married to it’s counterpart so as to slide together with only a slight click.    Opening the can of stain, he took his sponge and put stain on it. Daddy has taught him to caress the stain on the surface, never use a brush because that would leave streaks and ridges. Stain must appear to be the natural state of the wood, not artificial.    The tools scattered all around the floor had belonged to his dad, Sergeant Joseph Tarajos. Five years before Agent Orange had taken him home. Each Christmas Joe would go into his wood shop and make toys for his “Buddies.”   That Christmas was different, and little five year old NewB

Rules of Life to Die For

  Keep only friends who appreciate you, not the ones who tolerate you. If they don’t appreciate you DEpreciate  them  and find new ones. If you can’t find new ones, that’s OK. At least you took the garbage to the curb.    Never keep people around just because they’re family. This especially applies to foul-mouthed grandkids.    Never let someone see how many cigarettes you have when they ask for one. You’re just enabling.    It is written that you should not commit adultery, but I tell you that even if you lust after a woman at least make it a hot one since the price is the same.    If a woman tells you that you will always be a friend be sure to request separate checks.    Never remarry an ex-wife. That’s a quick way to own fifteen percent of yourself.    Never take any sudden discovery of a new scientific, political, or medical theory before checking to see if it’s clickbait.    If you see something that’s too good to be true do a price comparison at Walmart.    When an article onlin

For All The People To See

      For All The People To See!   ( Picture of man with millstone)   Is there anything obscener than the murder of a baby? There is so much murder, obscenity, and immorality in the world today that it becomes hard to rank them all from one to ten, and it makes one realize the need for a number eleven. The worth of a baby is beyond calculation. The reckless murder of a baby is beyond understanding. Some things we shouldn’t even try to understand. For if we understand such things, it means that we are as  insane as the world. Unlike the Doors song the children are  not  insane . . . WE are! We are insane for even having a situation like this to exist, and certainly  not  a children’s daycare.    This week four babies in a New York Daycare, that’s spelled D.a.y.c.a.r.e. were sickened by exposure to Fentanyl. They didn’t take Fentanyl. They didn’t accidentally ingest Fentanyl. They were “exposed” to it. Breathed the fumes while napping after lunch because the owners were using their nappi

Trying to take over the world

      Same as Yesterday. . . Trying to Take Over the World     I went to the wise man, and I asked, “Wise sir, where is God that I might know Him?” And the wise man said, “Your God is what you think about most of the day!”    There is a point where a  religion stops  being a religion and begins to be a political system.  That’s where Islam is today.  Actually, Islam has been there for a very long time. When Mohammed raced across the desert from Mecca to Medina his purpose was to civilize and organize the countless tribes on the Arabian Peninsula into one cohesive unit. At first it was a good idea.  The people there were as diverse as possible, and they had ways that were developed over centuries of isolation, evolved in a very harsh world. It was routine to bury a girl alive if she was the first born. Hundreds of gods were worshipped, and the merchants in Mecca made a killing all based around this big stone building they controlled and charged a fee for entry to pray to whatever god on

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

  Kids were asked questions about the Old and New Testaments. The following 25 statements about the Bible were written by children. They have not been retouched or corrected. Incorrect spelling has been left in. 1. In the first book of the bible, Guinness. god got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off. 2. Adam and eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wife was Joan of ark. Noah built and ark and the animals came on in pears. 3. Lots wife was a pillar of salt during the day, but a ball of fire during the night. 4. The jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympathetic genitals. 5. Sampson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah. 6. Samson slayed the philistines with the axe of the apostles. 7. Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients. 8. The egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up to mount cyanide to ge

The Tares

Matthew 13:25   But while the man slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.   Last night I had a revelation. I would love to tell you that while my dog was digging in the back yard, he came upon golden tablets which answered all the questions of life, but, like Joseph, I found no golden tablets, but I did find some tares.   Yesterday, in my own way I did walk in the woods. It had been a terrible day. One after another things were piling up to bring me down. Late last night I retrieved my Bible and My Book of Mormon, and a twelve pack. I thought that by careful search, and ardent prayer some divine answer would come to me from the cosmos like a cosmic Mr. Clean, and all my questions would be answered. After about an hour there was no collation either with the two books or between myself and heaven, and all I had left was a Bible, a Book of Mormon, and some beer.   I theorized that it was statistically impossible to search those books so intently and not fi