
Showing posts from January, 2024

Pants on Fire

  Wanna know how to tell if someone is lying? Forget lie detectors. Lie detectors are just an interrogation technique used by police to wiggle a confession out of a suspect. First off it can’t read your mind. It reads blood, sweat and tears. You’re in the cop shop being questioned by a cop with almost the same leads attached to your body you’d have if you were in the ER! And you’re being asked loaded questions while you aren’t allowed anything but a simple yes or no answer. “Did you kill the little girl?” “Uh . . . No?”    And all those psychological YouTube videos about telling if a person is lying? There are two very popular videos on the Tube. How to tell if someone is lying, and how to get laid. They are somewhat interchangeable.    This article is about communication, but the lack of communication is a large part of the problems we have today. Communication is my stock and trade.  Do I lie? You mean this week? We all do! You don’t? That’s your first lie today. Try this. Tell your


    Imagina un mundo, si quieres, en el que a nadie le importan los asuntos de nadie más. Un mundo donde la regla es todo para nadie y ninguno para todos. El epítome de la generación Woke donde la izquierda es la derecha, la derecha es la izquierda y los lados son rectos ahea D.     Después de que Caín asesinara a su hermano Abel, Dios le preguntó dónde estaba su hermano, y Caín respondió: "Sé No; ¿soy el guardián de mi hermano?"   Me encanta cuando alguien cita la Biblia fuera de contexto. Hay varios problemas con la primera demanda judía. Primero, si Dios es omnipotente, ¿por qué tuvo que preguntar?, y dos, si era omnipresente, ¿dónde estaba?   Pero, volviendo al caso, Caín estaba haciendo una defensa que ha sido derribada a lo largo de los años k Ahora como el "No estaba con los hermanos (o hermano en el caso de Caín). En cualquier caso, Dios ya lo sabía porque ya había notado a Abel rondando por el cielo. Y el Creador le dijo a Gabriel: "¡Bueno, ahí va el barrio


我坐在後門廊上抽著一支政治上不正確的香菸,想著這個國家的狀況,坦率地說,沒有。 多年的自由思想、否認和對任何類似道德準則的東西的破壞,給了我們一個奇怪的世界,規則隨著每一次新的社會風而變化,這種風吹到一種尺寸都不適合的地方。 在七十二歲時,它讓像我這樣的嬰兒潮一代人珍惜我們這一代人的時間,很快就會被一種叫做“Z”的東西所取代。 最近,心理學家給每代人貼上標籤,併為每代人賦予性格特徵,以嘗試理解每個人的歷史影響,並試圖描繪人類的未來路線,因為政治正確性對常識產生影響。 最近的一組是Z。 當你在表面上看它時,標籤Z會引起最終性的影象。 最終結果。 一個物種、概念,或者在這種情況下,一代人的最終演變。 嬰兒潮一代 因此,一些特徵被賦予了迄今為止已確定的二十世紀幾代人。 嬰兒潮一代勤奮,出生在“結束所有戰爭”之後。 有趣的是,第一次世界大戰也給出了同樣的邏輯,這導致人們問,如果那是結束所有戰爭的戰爭,為什麼他們必須給它一個數字? 為什麼? 當然,他們可以正確地提交第二次世界大戰。 隨後的小型戰爭最清楚地表明,結束所有戰爭的戰爭並沒有實現其既定意圖。 隨著核時代的到來,新計劃顯然將引發一場終結所有人的戰爭。 恐龍有彗星,我們有奧本海默! 作為這種戰爭的倖存者的後裔,在蕭條時期的祖父母中長大,嬰兒潮一代“對生意開放!” 任何業務。 從速溶咖啡到自動變速器。 這讓人想起了這個問題:如果他們這麼聰明,為什麼他們沒有想出一個辦法來執行所有這些大屁股汽車,以及他們引以為豪的分裂原子。 找一個朋友。 嬰兒潮一代給了我們60年代的“自由愛”運動。 雖然愛情可能是免費的,但離婚要花很多錢,或者不是那麼漂亮,這取決於孩子的撫養費,所以他們只是放棄了婚姻,開始結婚。 這就是同性戀婚姻的悖論。 在同性戀關係中,沒有婚姻,沒有離婚。 離開吧,找一個新的伴侶,沒有法庭費用,完美的生活。 但是沒有! 他們想像他們的異性戀朋友一樣。 他們為什麼要快樂? 然後他們把上帝趕出學校,禁止在咖啡館裡抽菸。 最終結果是千禧一代。 千禧一代 當你生活在一個塑膠世界時,你用塑膠人填充它只是合乎邏輯的。 千禧一代拿下了披頭士樂隊,給了我們邁克爾·傑克遜。 這孩子可能不是他的兒子,但他們肯定在他的床上。 是的,是的,是的,“流行音樂之王”被無罪釋放了。 OJ也是! 在二十一世紀初,他們對正義做出了最大的貢獻是醫生,他走出了

Deez Z’s

                In Search of the Better Mousetrap  I was sitting on the back porch smoking a very politically incorrect cigarette thinking about the state of the nation, which frankly, there isn’t one. Years of liberal thought, denial, and the destruction of anything resembling a moral code has given us a bizarre world where the rules change with each new social wind where one size fits none. At seventy-two it makes a baby boomer such as myself appreciate the time running out for those of my generation, soon to be replaced by something called “The ‘Z’ Generation.”   Psychologists of late have labeled generations and assigned character traits to each era to try to understand historical norms and try to plot the course of the future of humanity. The most recent group is the Z’s. When you look at it on the surface the label Z provokes images of finality. The end result. The ultimate evolution of a species, concept, or, in this case, a generation.    Baby Boomers   Accordingly certain char


  We have all fallen short of the glory! When I say, “All!” I mean ALL, and when I say, “Fallen!” just look at the bruises on your ass because they’re all still there!   We all find it easy to acknowledge our various sins. You don’t need the Ten Commandments. They were written on your heart from before your birth. Knowing the capabilities of your fallen nature is the first part. Accepting it is another. Conviction is a grim reality where you receive your sentence that you so righteously deserve. The hardest part is accepting the pardon. As you hang your head in shame, realizing the fruit of your actions and knowing that still you have the same fallen nature that sits on your left shoulder as you justify what you did, and may do again and you lie!   We all try to justify and use clever words to soften the blow of the things we’ve done. Everything from, “The Devil made me do it,” to, “I wasn’t wid dem brothas,” but be sure your sins will find you out.   Never confuse justifying with just

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Thou shalt not kill. But we do it all the time. It’s the fastest way to end a discussion. Pop pop bang bang, oh what a relief it is. Clinically speaking Thou shouldest not kill but then you meet those people where you think, “I gotta make this look like an accident.”   And then there’s these people that just need killing. Like the Prophet Porter Rockwell said, “I never killed anybody that didn’t need killing.” Of course he included the entire state of Missouri, all Protestants and the United States Army but who’s counting, right? God had his back.    Mortal combat has been the general fix-all for most human endeavors. I, myself, find it much better to shoot than talk, but Texas has been growing more liberal of late and tends to frown on the practice.    But that having been said, I have been leaning left on the practice of capital punishment. Just yesterday the big story was the execution in Alabama of one Kenneth Smith.  Smith, who was on a gurney, appeared conscious for “several minu

Giddy UP!

Imagine a world, if you will, where nobody cares about anyone else’s affairs. A world where the rule is all for none and none for all. The epitome of the Woke generation where left is right, right is left, and sideways is straight ahead.    After Cain murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was, and Cain answered: "I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?"     I just love it when someone quotes the Bible out of context. There are several problems with the first Jewish lawsuit. First, if God is omnipotent why did He even have to ask, and two if He was omnipresent where was He?    But, returning to the case, Cain was making a defense that has been brought down through the years known as the “I wasn’t wid dem brothas (or brother in the case of Cain.) At any rate God already knew because He’d already noticed Abel hanging around Heaven. And the Creater told Gabriel, “Well, there goes the neighborhood!” So the theological question remains, ignoring all the parameter

Confessions of a Reptile Bait

  Although I was a religious firebrand in my younger years, as the years go by and the end draws near any thinking man would hedge his bet with the Almighty just in case the whackiest ideas about “the other side” turn out to be true.  I was born a Baptist. Being a Baptist is easy. During a moment of doubt you run up during the invitation, shout, “Hallelujah,” the preacher dunks you and your sins are wiped off the slate. You can sin again but the “once saved always saved” theology in effect gives you a “get out of hell free” card so just don’t tell the cops and you are home free.  Baptist preachers are mostly sin free if you don’t count office personnel, but you must remember that  she  is sin free too. Which would alleviate the need for protection as the possible issue from such a union would be immaculately conceived which would make the choice of a name for the blessed event quite easy. (Hallelujah!)   From there I became a Catholic. The Catholic version of once saved always saved is